Сокращает ли потребление кофе опасность заболеть раком?

топ 100 блогов notabler14.10.2016

According to research published in the medical journal Scientific Reports, your daily cup of joe may significantly reduce your cancer risk. The researchers compared coffee consumption and incidence of cancer. They found that those who drank coffee on a daily basis had a reduced risk of seven different types of cancer, including: oral, pharynx, liver, colon, melanoma, prostate and endometrial cancers. The news is especially good when it comes to your liver: researchers found that drinking three cups of coffee daily reduced the risk of liver cancer by 50 percent. That’s great news considering that according to the American Cancer Society every year approximately 35,660 people are diagnosed with liver cancer.

While the study reported mostly good news for coffee drinkers and cancer risk, the researchers found a surprising, albeit small, increased risk of lung cancer among coffee drinkers. It’s not clear why coffee consumption would help to prevent most of the cancers tested but increase the risk of lung cancer.

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