Сынок Мизулиной защищает права LGBT

топ 100 блогов ru_antireligion13.01.2014 Сынок Мизулиной защищает права LGBT

Сынок Мизулиной работает в фирме, которая занимается защитой прав LGBT.



Nikolay Mizulin advises clients on all aspects of international and EU trade law, with particular emphasis on trade remedies, WTO Dispute Settlement, trade negotiations, and customs. He is also active in representing clients in Russia and CIS countries with respect to the trade defence investigations, market access problems and government trade policy issues.

Nikolay has represented corporations and governments in anti-dumping, safeguard, and anti-subsidy cases before EU institutions as well as before the investigating authorities of Brazil, China, Russia, Ukraine, the US, and other countries. His experience covers all stages of the proceedings, from preparing questionnaire responses to challenging measures before the courts.

Nikolay has been involved in several high-profile WTO disputes, providing assistance to governments as well as private sector.

Nikolay regularly advises private companies and governments in multi-lateral and bilateral trade negotiations as well as WTO accession talks.

In his regulatory practice, Nikolay assists clients in complying with customs regulations and advises on trade impact of EU measures concerning energy, chemical substances and climate change.

In addition to his native Russian, Nikolay speaks fluent English and Spanish.


Mayer Brown is committed to providing a thriving workplace for LGBT lawyers. We have provisions for same gender relationships in our domestic partner benefits program. We provide pro bono legal service for a number of LGBT-focused organizations as well as support for their organizational events. We participate annually in the Lavender Law Career Fair in order to increase the number of LGBT law student applicants for our summer associate program. The Committee on Diversity and Inclusion includes LGBT partners who monitor and push for progress in this important area.

Highlights and Achievements regarding LGBT rights initiatives at Mayer Brown include:

Mayer Brown earned a perfect 100 rating for the second consecutive year and was designated as a “Best Place to Work for LGBT Equality” in the 2013 Corporate Equality Index (CEI), sponsored by The Human Rights Campaign Foundation. The CEI surveys major businesses to benchmark important employer benefits and protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender employees and their families.
We are a national sponsor of the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, a leading legal services organization seeking to establish and protect LGBT civil rights.
Each year we sponsor several LGBT community organizations.

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