Шведы нашли подлодку
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![Шведы нашли подлодку Шведы нашли подлодку](http://c2n.me/3ljRUq5.jpg)
Похоже таки нашли ее. Говорят на ней кириллические надписи и считают что экипаж до сих пор внутри - погибший уже
Это минисубмарина около 20 метров длиной и 3.5 метра шириной. Нашли ее не шведские вооруженные силы а команда из Ocean Explorer
Выпустили пресс релиз сейчас. Пишут что видимых повреждений нет - люки закрыты и они думают что команда погибла внутри
P R E S S R E L E A S E 2015-07-27
A Russian mini-submarine has been discovered at Swedish territorial waters not far from the Swedish coast. The submarine is about 20 meters long and three and a half meters wide. It is unclear how old the submarine is and how long it has been laying at the sea floor, but the Cyrillic letters on the hull indicates that it is Russian.
The discovery was made previous week by the Ocean X Team and Ixplorer.
– The submarine is completely intact, have no visible damage to the hull and the hatches are closed. Therefore do we fear that the crew have not been able to save them self when the sub went down, says Stefan Hogeborn, divers in Ocean X Team.
The submarine was found during an expedition where a camera equipped, unmanned mini-submarine of the model ROV, Remote Operated Vehicle, was sent down.
Swedish Armed Forces was informed earlier today.
Ocean X Team is now preparing for a new expedition, divers will be sent down to film and to investigate the submarine wreck more closely.
Ocean X Team has previously made several discoveries such as shipwrecks and historical objects, including bottles of champagne from 1916 and the circular of the Baltic Sea Phenomenon etc.
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