Революция на рынке кредиток!!!

топ 100 блогов olegtinkov12.06.2010 Всё, то, о необходимости чего МЫ так долго мы говорили- свершилось!!!
Теперь кредитку от ТКС можно получить on-line!     WWW.TCSBANK.RU
Поле заполнения вами трёхминутной анкеты, вы  ГАРАНТИРОВАНО в течении 5 дней получаете подтверждение на кредит на свою Платиновую Кредитную Карту "Тинькофф.Кредитные Системы", или отказ, это зависит от вашей кредитной истории.
Гарантировано через 2 недели с момента заполнения анкеты карту у себя дома!
Перестаньте ходить по офисам банков! Экономьте своё время и уважайте себя! Не БЕРИТЕ потребительские кредиты! ТОЛЬКО КРЕДИТНАЯ КАРТА онлайн по интернету - вам пора в 21 век!
Следующая революция на рынке российского банкинга 1 декабря 2010 года- мы запускаем интернет банк, которого еще небыло на территории Восточной Европы,это будет что-то, не понимаю зачем после этого  Сбер и прочие ПРОСТОБАНКИ. 
Ждите оъявления!

Online Credit Card Applications in Russia
Moscow, 1 June, 2010. Bank 'Tinkoff. Credit Systems' is pleased to announce the official launch of its online credit card programme. This online programme will significantly boost TCS's credit card business and confirms the bank's reputation for innovation and service.
Any resident of Russia who is over 21 is eligible to complete an online application form through the TCS website. The bank then assesses the customer’s application by checking their credit history and application information. The customer receives the bank’s decision within 5 days. The personal tariff plan and credit limit depend on the customer’s credit history. Once the customer has received the bank's decision, they can activate their new credit card. Customers in Moscow and Saint-Petersburg receive their cards by special courier delivery; other regions of Russia are served using the Russian Post.

«We believe in the future of the online banking business in Russia. The Internet is the most convenient place to purchase financial products, where the customer is able to compare offers before making their choice. And importantly customers can avoid wasting time in bank branches. We anticipate that in 1,5-2 years more than 50% of our credit card distribution will be online», - said Tinkoff. Credit System's Vice President for Business Development Artyom Yamanov.

Bank 'Tinkoff. Credit Systems' is Russia's first monoline bank, specialising exclusively on the issuing and servicing of credit cards. The bank was founded by the famous Russian entrepreneur, Oleg Tinkov. In October 2007, the international investment bank Goldman Sachs became a shareholder. In September 2008, Vostok Nafta Investments Limited also became a shareholder.

TCS Bank uses modern CRM and risk management systems. The bank employs a remote service model, providing virtual banking services of the highest quality to its customers. Service is provided to customers through a sophisticated Call Centre, Internet, SMS banking and by mail through the Russian Postal system. The combination of a narrow focus with a hi-tech approach gives the bank a distinct competitive edge in the rapidly growing Russian credit card market. TCS’ business is growing at a stable pace. Despite the fact that the Bank has yet to complete its third year of operational history, the ratings we have obtained from the two agencies reflect the sustainability and profitability of the Bank’s business model. Any doubts about the viability of a ‘virtual bank’ model in Russia have now been dispelled. Obtaining credit ratings from two of the world’s leading ratings agencies is an important milestone for TCS in our efforts to broaden access to capital markets. In particular, this will help us to diversify our sources of debt financing. We are carefully monitoring domestic and international debt capital markets with a view to approaching them with the next round of debt financing in the near future.

For further details please contact:
Oliver Hughes, President
tel: +7 495 648 1000
e-mail: [email protected]

Oleg Anisimov, Vice President, Director for Marketing
tel: +7 495 648 1000
e-mail: [email protected]?

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