Примерчики на верилоге для вводного курса дизайна на FPGA
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![Примерчики на верилоге для вводного курса дизайна на FPGA Примерчики на верилоге для вводного курса дизайна на FPGA](/images/main/primerchiki-na-veriloge-dlya-vvodnogo-kursa-dizayna-na-fpga-455916.jpg?from=http://l-stat.livejournal.net/img/userinfo.gif?v=17080?v=124.2)
Так вот. Я на днях наваял для своих преподавательских нужд примерчики на верилоге для вводного курса дизайна на FPGA и хочу чтобы вы их покритиковали. Примерчики я сделал для платы Digilent Basys3 с Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA, но в принципе наши с Тимуром студенты используют и платы Basys2, и Terasic Altera DE2 и другие.
![Примерчики на верилоге для вводного курса дизайна на FPGA Примерчики на верилоге для вводного курса дизайна на FPGA](/images/main/primerchiki-na-veriloge-dlya-vvodnogo-kursa-dizayna-na-fpga-5e2a38.jpg?from=http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/panchul/7185727/735949/735949_1000.png)
Первая группа примеров:
// Checking if the board is alive module basys3_1 ( input clk, input btnC, input btnU, input btnL, input btnR, input btnD, input [15:0] sw, output [15:0] led, output [ 6:0] seg, output dp, output [ 3:0] an ); assign led [ 0] = sw [ 0]; assign led [ 1] = sw [ 1]; assign led [ 2] = sw [ 2]; assign led [ 3] = sw [ 3]; assign led [ 4] = sw [ 4]; assign led [ 5] = sw [ 5]; assign led [ 6] = sw [ 6]; assign led [ 7] = sw [ 7]; assign led [ 8] = sw [ 8]; assign led [ 9] = sw [ 9]; assign led [10] = sw [10]; assign led [11] = sw [11]; assign led [12] = sw [12]; assign led [13] = sw [13]; assign led [14] = sw [14]; assign led [15] = sw [15]; assign seg = ~ { btnC, btnL, btnL, btnD, btnR, btnR, btnU }; assign dp = ~ ( btnC | btnU | btnL | btnR | btnD ); assign an = 4'b0; endmodule //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Combinational building block: multiplexor module mux_2_1 ( input [3:0] d0, input [3:0] d1, input sel, output [3:0] y ); assign y = sel ? d1 : d0; endmodule module mux_4_1_imp_1 ( input [3:0] d0, d1, d2, d3, input [1:0] sel, output [3:0] y ); assign y = sel [1] ? (sel [0] ? d3 : d2) : (sel [0] ? d1 : d0); endmodule module mux_4_1_imp_2 ( input [3:0] d0, d1, d2, d3, input [1:0] sel, output reg [3:0] y ); always @* case (sel) 2'b00: y = d0; 2'b01: y = d1; 2'b10: y = d2; 2'b11: y = d3; endcase endmodule module mux_4_1_imp_3 ( input [3:0] d0, d1, d2, d3, input [1:0] sel, output [3:0] y ); wire [3:0] w01, w23; mux_2_1 i0 (.d0 ( d0 ), .d1 ( d1 ), .sel (sel [0]), .y ( w01 )); mux_2_1 i1 (.d0 ( d2 ), .d1 ( d3 ), .sel (sel [0]), .y ( w23 )); mux_2_1 i2 (.d0 ( w01 ), .d1 ( w23 ), .sel (sel [1]), .y ( y )); endmodule module mux_4_1_bits_2 ( input [1:0] d0, d1, d2, d3, input [1:0] sel, output [1:0] y ); assign y = sel [1] ? (sel [0] ? d3 : d2) : (sel [0] ? d1 : d0); endmodule module mux_4_1_imp_4 ( input [3:0] d0, d1, d2, d3, input [1:0] sel, output [3:0] y ); mux_4_1_bits_2 high ( .d0 ( d0 [3:2] ), .d1 ( d1 [3:2] ), .d2 ( d2 [3:2] ), .d3 ( d3 [3:2] ), .sel ( sel ), .y ( y [3:2] ) ); mux_4_1_bits_2 low ( .d0 ( d0 [1:0] ), .d1 ( d1 [1:0] ), .d2 ( d2 [1:0] ), .d3 ( d3 [1:0] ), .sel ( sel ), .y ( y [1:0] ) ); endmodule module basys3_2 ( input clk, input btnC, input btnU, input btnL, input btnR, input btnD, input [15:0] sw, output [15:0] led, output [ 6:0] seg, output dp, output [ 3:0] an ); mux_4_1_imp_1 ( .d0 ( sw [ 3: 0] ), .d1 ( sw [ 7: 4] ), .d2 ( sw [11: 8] ), .d3 ( sw [15:12] ), .sel ( { btnC, btnR } ), .y ( led [ 3: 0] ) ); mux_4_1_imp_2 ( .d0 ( sw [ 3: 0] ), .d1 ( sw [ 7: 4] ), .d2 ( sw [11: 8] ), .d3 ( sw [15:12] ), .sel ( { btnC, btnR } ), .y ( led [ 7: 4] ) ); mux_4_1_imp_3 ( .d0 ( sw [ 3: 0] ), .d1 ( sw [ 7: 4] ), .d2 ( sw [11: 8] ), .d3 ( sw [15:12] ), .sel ( { btnC, btnR } ), .y ( led [11: 8] ) ); mux_4_1_imp_4 ( .d0 ( sw [ 3: 0] ), .d1 ( sw [ 7: 4] ), .d2 ( sw [11: 8] ), .d3 ( sw [15:12] ), .sel ( { btnC, btnR } ), .y ( led [15:12] ) ); assign seg = ~ 7'b0; assign dp = 1'b1; assign an = 4'b0; endmodule //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Combinational building block: decoder module decoder_3_8_imp_1 ( input [2:0] a, output reg [7:0] y ); always @* case (a) 3'b000: y = 8'b00000001; 3'b001: y = 8'b00000010; 3'b010: y = 8'b00000100; 3'b011: y = 8'b00001000; 3'b100: y = 8'b00010000; 3'b101: y = 8'b00100000; 3'b110: y = 8'b01000000; 3'b111: y = 8'b10000000; endcase endmodule module decoder_3_8_imp_2 ( input [2:0] a, output reg [7:0] y ); always @* begin y = 0; y [a] = 1; end endmodule module decoder_3_8_imp_3 ( input [2:0] a, output [7:0] y ); assign y = 1 << a; endmodule module basys3_3 ( input clk, input btnC, input btnU, input btnL, input btnR, input btnD, input [15:0] sw, output [15:0] led, output [ 6:0] seg, output dp, output [ 3:0] an ); decoder_3_8_imp_1 decoder_3_8_imp_1 (.a (sw [3:0]), .y (led [ 7:0])); decoder_3_8_imp_2 decoder_3_8_imp_3 (.a (sw [3:0]), .y (led [15:8])); assign seg = ~ 7'b0; assign dp = 1'b1; assign an = 4'b0; endmodule //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Combinational building block: encoder module priority_circuit_imp_1 ( input [3:0] a, output reg [3:0] y ); always @* if (a[3]) y <= 4'b1000; else if (a[2]) y <= 4'b0100; else if (a[1]) y <= 4'b0010; else if (a[0]) y <= 4'b0001; else y <= 4'b0000; endmodule module priority_circuit_imp_2 ( input [3:0] a, output reg [3:0] y ); always @* casex (a) 4'b1???: y <= 4'b1000; 4'b01??: y <= 4'b0100; 4'b001?: y <= 4'b0010; 4'b0001: y <= 4'b0001; default: y <= 4'b0000; endcase endmodule module priority_encoder_imp_1 ( input [3:0] a, output reg [1:0] y ); always @* if (a[3]) y <= 3; else if (a[2]) y <= 2; else if (a[1]) y <= 1; else if (a[0]) y <= 0; else y <= 0; endmodule module priority_encoder_imp_2 ( input [3:0] a, output reg [3:0] y ); always @* casex (a) 4'b1???: y <= 3; 4'b01??: y <= 2; 4'b001?: y <= 1; 4'b0001: y <= 0; default: y <= 0; endcase endmodule module parallel_encoder_imp_1 ( input [3:0] a, output reg [1:0] y ); always @* if (a == 4'b1000) y <= 3; else if (a == 4'b0100) y <= 2; else if (a == 4'b0010) y <= 1; else if (a == 4'b0001) y <= 0; else y <= 0; endmodule module parallel_encoder_imp_2 ( input [3:0] a, output reg [3:0] y ); always @* casex (a) 4'b1000: y <= 3; 4'b0100: y <= 2; 4'b0010: y <= 1; 4'b0001: y <= 0; default: y <= 0; endcase endmodule module basys3 // _4 ( input clk, input btnC, input btnU, input btnL, input btnR, input btnD, input [15:0] sw, output [15:0] led, output [ 6:0] seg, output dp, output [ 3:0] an ); priority_circuit_imp_1 priority_circuit_imp_1 (.a (sw [3:0]), .y (led [ 3: 0])); priority_circuit_imp_2 priority_circuit_imp_2 (.a (sw [3:0]), .y (led [ 7: 4])); priority_encoder_imp_1 priority_encoder_imp_1 (.a (sw [3:0]), .y (led [ 9: 8])); priority_encoder_imp_2 priority_encoder_imp_2 (.a (sw [3:0]), .y (led [11:10])); parallel_encoder_imp_1 parallel_encoder_imp_1 (.a (sw [3:0]), .y (led [13:12])); parallel_encoder_imp_2 parallel_encoder_imp_2 (.a (sw [3:0]), .y (led [15:14])); assign seg = ~ 7'b0; assign dp = 1'b1; assign an = 4'b0; endmodule //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Combinational building block: seven-segment driver module single_digit_display ( input [3:0] digit, input single_digit, input show_dot, output reg [6:0] seven_segments, output dot, output [3:0] anodes ); always @* case (digit) 'h0: seven_segments = 'b1000000; // a b c d e f g 'h1: seven_segments = 'b1111001; 'h2: seven_segments = 'b0100100; // --a-- 'h3: seven_segments = 'b0110000; // | | 'h4: seven_segments = 'b0011001; // f b 'h5: seven_segments = 'b0010010; // | | 'h6: seven_segments = 'b0000010; // --g-- 'h7: seven_segments = 'b1111000; // | | 'h8: seven_segments = 'b0000000; // e c 'h9: seven_segments = 'b0011000; // | | 'ha: seven_segments = 'b0001000; // --d-- 'hb: seven_segments = 'b0000011; 'hc: seven_segments = 'b1000110; 'hd: seven_segments = 'b0100001; 'he: seven_segments = 'b0000110; 'hf: seven_segments = 'b0001110; endcase assign dot = ~ show_dot; assign anodes = single_digit ? 4'b1110 : 4'b0000; endmodule //-------------------------------------------------------------------- module basys3_5 ( input clk, input btnC, input btnU, input btnL, input btnR, input btnD, input [15:0] sw, output [15:0] led, output [ 6:0] seg, output dp, output [ 3:0] an ); single_digit_display single_digit_display ( .digit ( sw [3:0] ), .single_digit ( sw [15] ), .show_dot ( sw [14] ), .seven_segments ( seg ), .dot ( dp ), .anodes ( an ) ); endmodule //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sequential building block: counter module clock_divider_100_MHz_to_1_49_Hz ( input clock_100_MHz, input resetn, output clock_1_49_Hz ); // 100 MHz / 2 ** 26 = 1.49 Hz reg [25:0] counter; always @ (posedge clock_100_MHz) begin if (! resetn) counter <= 0; else counter <= counter + 1; end assign clock_1_49_Hz = counter [25]; endmodule module counter ( input clock, input resetn, output reg [15:0] count ); always @ (posedge clock or negedge resetn) begin if (! resetn) count <= 0; else count <= count + 1; end endmodule module basys3_6 ( input clk, input btnC, input btnU, input btnL, input btnR, input btnD, input [15:0] sw, output [15:0] led, output [ 6:0] seg, output dp, output [ 3:0] an ); wire clock; wire resetn = ! btnU; clock_divider_100_MHz_to_1_49_Hz clock_divider ( .clock_100_MHz (clk), .resetn (resetn), .clock_1_49_Hz (clock) ); counter counter ( .clock ( clock ), .resetn ( resetn ), .count ( led ) ); assign seg = ~ 7'b0; assign dp = 1'b0; assign an = 4'b0; endmodule //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sequential building block: counter with load and better display module counter_with_load ( input clock, input resetn, input load, input [15:0] load_data, output reg [15:0] count ); always @ (posedge clock or negedge resetn) begin if (! resetn) count <= 0; else if (load) count <= load_data; else count <= count + 1; end endmodule //-------------------------------------------------------------------- module clock_divider_100_MHz_to_95_4_Hz_and_1_53_KHz ( input clock_100_MHz, input resetn, output clock_95_4_Hz, output clock_1_53_KHz ); // 100 MHz / 2 ** 20 = 95.4 Hz // 100 MHz / 2 ** 16 = 1.53 KHz reg [29:0] counter; always @ (posedge clock_100_MHz) begin if (! resetn) counter <= 0; else counter <= counter + 1; end assign clock_95_4_Hz = counter [19]; assign clock_1_53_KHz = counter [15]; endmodule //-------------------------------------------------------------------- module display ( input clock, input resetn, input [15:0] number, output reg [ 6:0] seven_segments, output reg dot, output reg [ 3:0] anodes ); function [6:0] bcd_to_seg (input [3:0] bcd); case (bcd) 'h0: bcd_to_seg = 'b1000000; // a b c d e f g 'h1: bcd_to_seg = 'b1111001; 'h2: bcd_to_seg = 'b0100100; // --a-- 'h3: bcd_to_seg = 'b0110000; // | | 'h4: bcd_to_seg = 'b0011001; // f b 'h5: bcd_to_seg = 'b0010010; // | | 'h6: bcd_to_seg = 'b0000010; // --g-- 'h7: bcd_to_seg = 'b1111000; // | | 'h8: bcd_to_seg = 'b0000000; // e c 'h9: bcd_to_seg = 'b0011000; // | | 'ha: bcd_to_seg = 'b0001000; // --d-- 'hb: bcd_to_seg = 'b0000011; 'hc: bcd_to_seg = 'b1000110; 'hd: bcd_to_seg = 'b0100001; 'he: bcd_to_seg = 'b0000110; 'hf: bcd_to_seg = 'b0001110; endcase endfunction reg [1:0] i; always @ (posedge clock or negedge resetn) begin if (! resetn) begin seven_segments <= bcd_to_seg (0); dot <= ~ 0; anodes <= ~ 'b0001; i <= 0; end else begin seven_segments <= bcd_to_seg (number [i * 4 +: 4]); dot <= ~ 0; anodes <= ~ (1 << i); i <= i + 1; end end endmodule //-------------------------------------------------------------------- module basys3_7 ( input clk, input btnC, input btnU, input btnL, input btnR, input btnD, input [15:0] sw, output [15:0] led, output [ 6:0] seg, output dp, output [ 3:0] an ); wire clock; wire resetn = ! btnU; wire clock; wire display_clock; clock_divider_100_MHz_to_95_4_Hz_and_1_53_KHz clock_divider ( .clock_100_MHz ( clk ), .resetn ( resetn ), .clock_95_4_Hz ( clock ), .clock_1_53_KHz ( display_clock ) ); wire [15:0] count; counter_with_load counter_with_load ( .clock ( clock ), .resetn ( resetn ), .load ( btnC ), .load_data ( sw ), .count ( count ) ); assign led = count; display display ( .clock ( display_clock ), .resetn ( resetn ), .number ( count ), .seven_segments ( seg ), .dot ( dp ), .anodes ( an ) ); endmodule //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sequential building block: shift register module shift_register ( input clock, input resetn, input in, output out, output reg [15:0] data ); always @ (posedge clock or negedge resetn) begin if (! resetn) data <= 16'hABCD; else data <= { in, data [15:1] }; // data <= (data >> 1) | (in << 15); end assign out = data [0]; endmodule module basys3_8 ( input clk, input btnC, input btnU, input btnL, input btnR, input btnD, input [15:0] sw, output [15:0] led, output [ 6:0] seg, output dp, output [ 3:0] an ); wire clock; wire resetn = ! btnU; clock_divider_100_MHz_to_1_49_Hz clock_divider ( .clock_100_MHz (clk), .resetn (resetn), .clock_1_49_Hz (clock) ); wire out; shift_register shift_register ( .clock ( clock ), .resetn ( resetn ), .in ( btnC ), .out ( out ), .data ( led ) ); assign seg = out ? 7'b1111001 : 7'b1000000; assign dp = 1'b1; assign an = 4'b1110; endmodule //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sequential building block: shift register with enable module shift_register_with_enable ( input clock, input resetn, input in, input enable, output out, output reg [15:0] data ); always @ (posedge clock or negedge resetn) begin if (! resetn) data <= 16'hABCD; else if (enable) data <= { in, data [15:1] }; // data <= (data >> 1) | (in << 15); end assign out = data [0]; endmodule module basys3_9 ( input clk, input btnC, input btnU, input btnL, input btnR, input btnD, input [15:0] sw, output [15:0] led, output [ 6:0] seg, output dp, output [ 3:0] an ); wire clock; wire resetn = ! btnU; clock_divider_100_MHz_to_1_49_Hz clock_divider_100_MHz_to_1_49_Hz ( .clock_100_MHz (clk), .resetn (resetn), .clock_1_49_Hz (clock) ); clock_divider_100_MHz_to_95_4_Hz_and_1_53_KHz clock_divider_100_MHz_to_95_4_Hz_and_1_53_KHz ( .clock_100_MHz ( clk ), .resetn ( resetn ), .clock_95_4_Hz ( ), .clock_1_53_KHz ( display_clock ) ); shift_register_with_enable shift_register_with_enable ( .clock ( clock ), .resetn ( resetn ), .in ( btnC ), .enable ( ~ btnR ), .out ( ), .data ( led ) ); display display ( .clock ( display_clock ), .resetn ( resetn ), .number ( led ), .seven_segments ( seg ), .dot ( dp ), .anodes ( an ) ); endmodule //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Smiling Snail FSM derived from David Harris & Sarah Harris module pattern_fsm_moore ( input clock, input resetn, input a, output y ); parameter [1:0] S0 = 0, S1 = 1, S2 = 2; reg [1:0] state, next_state; // state register always @ (posedge clock or negedge resetn) if (! resetn) state <= S0; else state <= next_state; // next state logic always @* case (state) S0: if (a) next_state <= S0; else next_state <= S1; S1: if (a) next_state <= S2; else next_state <= S1; S2: if (a) next_state <= S0; else next_state <= S1; default: next_state <= S0; endcase // output logic assign y = (state == S2); endmodule //-------------------------------------------------------------------- module pattern_fsm_mealy ( input clock, input resetn, input a, output y ); parameter S0 = 0, S1 = 1; reg state, next_state; // state register always @ (posedge clock or negedge resetn) if (! resetn) state <= S0; else state <= next_state; // next state logic always @* case (state) S0: if (a) next_state <= S0; else next_state <= S1; S1: if (a) next_state <= S0; else next_state <= S1; default: next_state <= S0; endcase // output logic assign y = (a & state == S1); endmodule //-------------------------------------------------------------------- module basys3_10 ( input clk, input btnC, input btnU, input btnL, input btnR, input btnD, input [15:0] sw, output [15:0] led, output [ 6:0] seg, output dp, output [ 3:0] an ); wire clock; wire resetn = ! btnU; clock_divider_100_MHz_to_1_49_Hz clock_divider ( .clock_100_MHz (clk), .resetn (resetn), .clock_1_49_Hz (clock) ); wire [15:0] shift_data_out; shift_register shift_register ( .clock ( clock ), .resetn ( resetn ), .in ( btnC ), .out ( ), .data ( shift_data_out ) ); wire fsm_in = shift_data_out [8]; assign led = shift_data_out; wire moore_out; pattern_fsm_moore pattern_fsm_moore ( .clock ( clock ), .resetn ( resetn ), .a ( fsm_in ), .y ( moore_out ) ); wire mealy_out; pattern_fsm_mealy pattern_fsm_mealy ( .clock ( clock ), .resetn ( resetn ), .a ( fsm_in ), .y ( mealy_out ) ); assign seg [0] = ~ moore_out; assign seg [1] = ~ moore_out; assign seg [2] = ~ mealy_out; assign seg [3] = ~ mealy_out; assign seg [4] = ~ mealy_out; assign seg [5] = ~ moore_out; assign seg [6] = ~ (moore_out | mealy_out); assign dp = 1'b1; assign an = 4'b1110; endmodule // Ripple-carry adder // TODO module basys3_11 // Carry-lookahead adder // TODO module basys3_12 // Prefix adder // TODO module basys3_13 // Serial adder // TODO module basys3_14 // Combinational multiplier // TODO module basys3_15 // Sequential multiplier // TODO module basys3_16 // Pipelined multiplier // TODO module basys3_17 // Shift-register-based stack // TODO module basys3_18 // Memory + pointer based stack // TODO module basys3_19 // // TODO module basys3_20 /* // Checking if the board is alive // Combinational building block: multiplexor // Combinational building block: decoder // Combinational building block: encoder // Combinational building block: seven-segment driver // Sequential building block: counter // Sequential building block: counter with load // Sequential building block: shift register // Sequential building block: shift register with enable // Moore and Mealy state machines // Ripple-carry adder // Carry-lookahead adder // Prefix adder // Serial adder // Combinational multiplier // Sequential multiplier // Pipelined multiplier // Shift-register-based stack // Memory + pointer based stack Extra: // Unary logic operations // Serial parity circuit // Pipelined adder // Memory macro // PLL macro // Parametrized modules // Using Verilog generate A subset of MIPS processor: // Single-cycle // Sequential-cycle // Single-issue in-order pipeline with stalls // Single-issue in-order pipeline with forwarding // Multiple-issue in-order pipeline Interfacing: // SPI master writing to a peripheral // SPI master reading from a peripheral // Microcontroller SPI master + SPI slave in FPGA driving 7-segment LED // SPI master in FPGA + microcontroller SPI master driving OLED display // Asynchronous data synchronizer to interface MCU and FPGA via GPIO */
Плата Digilent Basys3 с Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA:
![Примерчики на верилоге для вводного курса дизайна на FPGA Примерчики на верилоге для вводного курса дизайна на FPGA](/images/main/primerchiki-na-veriloge-dlya-vvodnogo-kursa-dizayna-na-fpga-fe05b3.jpg?from=http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/panchul/7185727/736094/736094_1000.jpg)
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