Последствия пожара под мостом
kilativ — 13.06.2023 Вот как выглядит сейчас поврежденный мост.
The northbound lanes of I-95 were gone and the southbound lanes
were “compromised” by heat from the fire, said Derek Bowmer,
battalion chief of the Philadelphia Fire Department. Runoff from
the fire or perhaps broken gas lines caused explosions underground,
he added.
Some kind of crash happened on a ramp underneath northbound I-95
around 6:15 a.m., said state Transportation Department spokesman
Brad Rudolph, and the northbound section above the fire collapsed
quickly. A massive concrete slab fell from I-95 onto the road
Gov. Josh Shapiro said his flight over the area showed “just
remarkable devastation.”
“I found myself thanking the Lord that no motorists who were on
I-95 were injured or died,” he said.
The collapsed section of I-95 was part of a $212 million
reconstruction project that wrapped up four years ago, Rudolph
Motorists were sent on a 43-mile (69-kilometer) detour Sunday,
which was going “better than it would do on a weekday,” Rudolph
said. The fact that the collapse happened on a Sunday helped ease
Pennsylvania Transportation Secretary Michael Carroll said the I-95
segment carries roughly 160,000 vehicles per day and was likely the
busiest interstate in Pennsylvania.
Shapiro said he had been spoken directly to U.S. Transportation
Secretary Pete Buttigieg and had been assured that there would be
“absolutely no delay” in getting federal funds quickly to rebuild
what he called a “critical roadway” as safely and efficiently as
possible. But Shapiro he said the complete rebuild of I-95 would
take “some number of months,” and in the meantime officials were
looking at “interim solutions to connect both sides of I-95 to get
traffic through the area.”
Там не только мост поврежден (обрушился один пролет, второй тоже
нужно менять из за ущерба несущим конструкциям), там были подземные
(!) взрывы, предположительно от поврежденных газовых труб. Причем,
что примечательно, этот участок дороги только 4 года назад
капитально отремонтировали за 212 миллионов. Теперь нужно ездить в
объезд и это - 69 лишних километра. Нехило так. В Вашингтон из Нью
Йорка теперь так просто не смотаешься. Еще пишут (не здесь,
правда), что сколько времени займет ремонт - никому неизвестно.
Похоже, что это на полгода как минимум
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