
И тут случайно оказалось, что в интернете появился полный скрипт... на мою голову. Привожу кусок, и зря я это делаю.
Такого добра там навалом, я не выбирал самый бессмысленный. Но я по-прежнему искренне не понимаю, что вы в этом находите.
Like I said, Walter, this line of work doesn't suit you, man.
Get out before it's too late.
I don't know what to do.
You do.
I'll get the key.
No, don't do this.
Don't do this.
Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this? You're doing the right thing, Walter.
Do you want to... So you're not angry? How do you mean? Angry? No.
Live and let live, man.
That's very understanding.
Whatever, man.
I just want to go home.
Me, too.
Unlock me, Walter.
The moment I do are you gonna stick me with that broken piece of plate? I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Hello? Anybody down here? Everybody! I need you all to take your seats.
Settle down, please.
Thank you.
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