Они окончательно е...сь?

топ 100 блогов kotenka_m25.07.2018 Шокированы они. Суки! Пфайзер во всей красе. Слушайте, я слов цензурных подобрать не могу. Менгеле еб...е!

Eleven babies die after Dutch women given Viagra in drug trial.

Research halted as 10 to 15 other participants wait to see if their children affected

The death of 11 babies born to women who were given Viagra during a drug trial has led to the termination of the experiment – and an anxious wait for other mothers involved.

The trial was designed to test whether sildenafil, a medication sold under the brand name Viagra, could help boost babies’ growth in the womb.

The research was carried out at 10 hospitals across the Netherlands and involved women whose placentas had been underperforming.

In total, 93 women were given the drug as part of the trial, led by Amsterdam University Medical Centre. Seventeen babies developed lung problems, and 11 have since died. A further eight babies in the trial died of unrelated conditions.

Of the 90 women in a control group who took a placebo, three had children who developed the same lung issues, but no babies died from conditions that could be linked to the Viagra. Nine babies died from unrelated problems.

In an interview with the Dutch daily newspaper De Volkskrant, the leader of the research, Wessel Ganzevoort, a gynaecologist, said: “We wanted to show that this is an effective way to promote the growth of the baby. But the opposite happened. I am shocked. The last thing you want is to harm patients.

“We have already notified Canadian researchers who are conducting a similar study. In any case, they have temporarily stopped their research.”

Отсюда - https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2018/jul/24/eleven-babies-die-dutch-women-viagra-drug-trial?__twitter_impression=true

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