Очередной шаг в пропасть

топ 100 блогов yakov_a_jerkov19.10.2018 В прошлом году в Монтане проходили выборыв Конгресс. За пару дней до выборов, если не ошибаюсь, кандидат от республиканцев, Greg Gianforte, напал на журналиста Гардиан. Это не помешало ему победить на выборах.

Результаты того нападения:
In case anyone has forgotten, Gianforte pleaded guilty to the unprovoked crime the president praised tonight. He got a six-month deferred sentence, 40 hours of community service, 20 hours of anger management, and a small fine.
Вот описание происшедшего от журналистов Fox News, которые стали свидетелями происшедшего:
Faith, Keith and I arrived early to set up for the interview in a room adjacent to another room where a volunteer BBQ was to take place. As the time for the interview neared, Gianforte came into the room. We exchanged pleasantries and made small talk about restaurants and Bozeman.

During that conversation, another man — who we now know is Ben Jacobs of The Guardian — walked into the room with a voice recorder, put it up to Gianforte's face and began asking if he had a response to the newly released Congressional Budget Office report on the American Health Care Act. Gianforte told him he would get to him later. Jacobs persisted with his question. Gianforte told him to talk to his press guy, Shane Scanlon.

At that point, Gianforte grabbed Jacobs by the neck with both hands and slammed him into the ground behind him. Faith, Keith and I watched in disbelief as Gianforte then began punching the reporter. As Gianforte moved on top of Jacobs, he began yelling something to the effect of, "I'm sick and tired of this!"

Jacobs scrambled to his knees and said something about his glasses being broken. He asked Faith, Keith and myself for our names. In shock, we did not answer. Jacobs then said he wanted the police called and went to leave. Gianforte looked at the three of us and repeatedly apologized. At that point, I told him and Scanlon, who was now present, that we needed a moment. The men then left.

To be clear, at no point did any of us who witnessed this assault see Jacobs show any form of physical aggression toward Gianforte, who left the area after giving statements to local sheriff's deputies.
А вот президент США сегодня. Тоже в Монтане:
Trump on Gianforte assaulting reporter Jacobs: "Never wrestle him. You understand that. Never. Any guy that can do a bodyslam, he's my kind of" -- crowd cheers -- "he's my guy. I shouldn't say this."

Trump: "I had heard that he bodyslammed a reporter. And he was way up...and I said...I said oh this is terrible he's gonna lose...then I said wait a minute, I know Montana pretty well, I think it might help him. And it did."
Если кто забыл, Трамп говорит это на фоне скандала с вероятным убийством журналиста в консульстве Саудовской Аравии. Не то чтобы в отсутствие этого скандала высказыванию Трампа существовало оправдание.

P.S. That's a good point:
You can spin up an elaborate psychological or geopolitical theory for why Trump is so weird about Khashoggi’s murder if you like but his open praise of assaulting Ben Jacobs tells the real story.

He’s not confused about who attacked Ben or worried about lost arms sales, he just thinks it’s a good thing for rulers to commit acts of physical violence to intimidate journalists.

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