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-- 8. Am. Jur. Legal Forms 2d. Trusts §§251.98 to 251.98.3
§4 General Classifications
Research References
West’s Key Number Digest, trusts.
“ It has been said that trusts are generally divided into two main classes: private trusts and charitable trusts. A “charitable trust” is one in which the beneficiary is a governmental entity or in which the purpose of the trust is to implement public welfare or convenience. The primary difference between a charitable trust and other private trust are that a charitable trust may be perpetual, the denominated recipients of the trust income may be indefinite, and the intended beneficiary is the community itself. It has also been said that the fundamental distinction between private trusts and charitable trusts is that in a private trust, property is devoted to the use of specified persons who are designated as the beneficiaries of the trust, while a charitable trust has as a beneficiary a definite class and indefinite beneficiaries within a definite class, and has a purpose which is beneficial to the community.”
[Только вам забыли разъяснить кто это сообщество/community. А это организованная преступная группа [governmental entity], которая использует взятки в виде изуродованных неправильных имен, чтобы обвинить неосведомленных людей в преступлениях, связанных с получением этих взяток.
Поставив поспись, Вы стали ко-трастии (поручителем/surety/ плательщиком по долгам повешаным на ЛИЦО, которое Вы "арендуете") и ко-бенефициаром (штраф вам выписали или в тюрьму Вас посадили - это вам оказали услугу).]
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