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топ 100 блогов world_of_kwg04.12.2012

Недавно собрал замечательный фидбек от игроков североамериканского и епропейского серверов WoT на тему "Your WTF Moments" , что в примерном переводе на русский звучит как "а что бесит меня (в танках)".

Из наиболее общего и характерного с цитатами:

1. Попадания без нанесения урона (0 damage hits)

Regarding 0 damage hits - the most annoying part is the bad feedback imho
Hits -> "Penetration" -> 400 damage..
Hits -> "Penetration" -> 0 damage -> WTF?

When high-tier arty's AP round bounces on French paper-tanks >_<

- 0 damage hits: hitting a light tank with for example the isu and only
detracking both tracks but dealing no damage is annoying or hitting the
drivers viewingports on the vk3601 or Tiger and dealing no damage, but u
are able to see a big hole! (Are the german drivers so hungry that they
can eat 152mm shells?)

2. Избыток арты в боях (arty parties)

I really do not have any idea why you (WG) guys are so opposed of
implementing a hard cap on artys. At least on the EU and US forums this
is seems to be suggested a lot of times, and I personally didnt see too
much (any) posts against it.

The rediculous amount of arty showing up in tier 9-10 matches.

3. Невнятная система видимости и обнаружения (unlcear spotting system)

Visibility system needs some rework, tanks disappearing in front of you
50m away in a plain terrain. How is this even possible? It's known
problem so no point of writing more, yet it's annoying like hell.

I second this one, last time on i
think it's Karelia I (AMX M4) was facing a T34 sitting in a bush 70
meters away and did not spot him until he fired at me... yet i spotted
the arty also sitting in a bush nearly 180m away.. buggy?

4. Суровый рандом (high RNG roll / randomization)

Seriously, F.ck your RNG. I'm all for some varaibles to make things
interesting, but the margins for this game seem to make the RNG trump
skill. This is particularly evident playing arty, where you can have one
match with 4 perfectly aimed misses and a splash hit followed by 3 full
damage rushed shots. +-25%, a full 50% spread, is just way way too

5. Чрезвычайно низкий уровень IQ игроков в рандоме (lack of tactics in standard battle)

random players, they just fail at everything 97% of all games,
especially when they are in my team

It's the players. There are issues need fixing, like arty parties and
the overwhelming randomness caused by the RNG and 0-damage penetrations,
but what truly makes me angry/sad/frustrated are the players.

I damn often see nearly the complete team running one way
on the map, leaving 2 or 3 other ways on a map completly open and all
they say is, *I don't like this postion*, or *I play the game, I like to
play it*

6. Балансировка без учета скилла игрока (no skill-based Match making)

MM doesn't take skill into account
I know this is an old topic but
you asked for my WTF. And indeed after nearly 2 years of playing WoT I
came to hate playing random alone. I think I am not the only one.

А также мой любимый комментарий: I can't buy a type 59, big WTF!

Думаю, вам есть что добавить к этому. Нам действительно важно ваше мнение.

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