Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской

топ 100 блогов ru_royalty01.05.2024 Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской Sophie, the Duchess of Cambridge, shakes hands with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv on Monday
29 апреля Софи посетила Киев. Она встретилась с Владимиром Зеленским. Вместе с Еленой Зеленской она побывала в Софийском соборе.
Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/04/29/21/84236307-13363939-image-m-43_1714421542192.jpg

Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/04/29/21/84236305-13363939-image-m-42_1714421531954.jpg

Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской Sophie was seen to be enraptured by the ornate decoration in the 6th-century monument, which is known as one of the Seven Wonders of Ukraine

Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской Sophie, the Duchess of Edinburgh, was seen smiling as she looked up at the ceiling of Saint Sophia Cathedral alongside Olena Zelenska

Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской The Duchess looks at a historical model of Kyiv located in Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv during Monday's visit

Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской Sophie, the Duchess of Edinburgh, visits Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv on Monday in the first visit by a member of the Royal Family to Ukraine since the Russian invasion

Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской The Duchess was shown frescoes as she was given a tour of the UNESCO World Heritage Site on Monday

Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской The Duchess looks at the ornate decorations of the cathedral, which is named after the 6th century Hagia Sophia cathedral in Istanbul

Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской A guide shows Sophie a model of the Saint Sophia Cathedral during a tour of the religious complex

Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской The Duchess (left) visited Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv today alongside First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska (right)

Sophie walks in the shadows of Saint Sophia Cathedral during a visit to Kyiv on Monday in her role as champion of the UK's Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict Initiative and the Women, Peace and Security agenda

Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской Sophie looks at the grave of Yaroslav I the Wise, the founder of Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv

Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской Sophie also signed the guest book at Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv during her whirlwind visit to the city on Monday

Ещё в Киеве Софи посетила офис Фонда ООН в области народонаселения (UNFPA), где встретилась с людьми, пострадавшими от войны. Герцогиня поговорила с персоналом фонда и узнала, как они работают, чтобы помочь жертвам.
Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской The Duchess was seen stroking a dog during her visit to the UNFPA office in Kyiv on Monday

Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской She also visited the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) where she met victims of the Russian invasion

Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской In Kyiv the Duchess spoke to staff at the UNFPA and learned of how they are working to help victims of the Russian invasion

Sophie speaks to people at the UNFPA office in Kyiv. The Duchess also talked to female IDPs - internally displaced persons - and volunteers who help their communities cope with the trauma of the invasion

Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской After touring the premises, the Duchess got ready to take a photo of the group - and was particularly taken with a cheeky young toddler

Pictured: The Duchess of Edinburgh, 59, seen beaming at a toddler during her visit to UNFPA office in Kyiv today

Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской The mother-of-two, 59, visited the UNFPA office in Kyiv, Ukraine, today, where she met with war victims

В ходе своего визита Софи посетила Бучу и Ирпень.
Она почтила память погибших в Буче.
Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской Sophie paid her respects to the victims of the Russian invasion during a visit to the town of Bucha, which was the site of atrocities committed by Putin's troops

Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской Sophie looks on at a poster of a person with their hands bound by rope at the memorial in Bucha

Посетила церковь Святого Андрея в Буче.
Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской She also lit a candle at Saint Andrew's Church in Bucha in memory of those who lost their lives during the brutal occupation

Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской The Duchess was guided around Saint Andrew's Church in Bucha and the town by a local Orthodox priest

Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской https://media.gettyimages.com/id/2150238165/de/foto/bucha-ukraine-sophie-duchess-of-edinburgh-visits-a-photo-exhibition-dedicated-to-the.jpg?s=2048x2048&w=gi&k=20&c=Ssm3L8883RW7nkzQHf8Yjr_nPcuNDECIQtcCaW42ZPQ=

справа - британский посол Мартин Харрис
Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской The Duchess visited a memorial to the victims of the Russian occupation in the town alongside British Ambassador Martin Harris

Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской https://media.gettyimages.com/id/2150238434/de/foto/bucha-ukraine-sophie-duchess-of-edinburgh-visits-the-memorial-to-the-victims-of-the-russian.jpg?s=2048x2048&w=gi&k=20&c=5VlPGdsQ38euxFP5_6SrfLa8YMcgVHrWueLCeN0pSxo=

Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской https://media.gettyimages.com/id/2150238185/de/foto/bucha-ukraine-sophie-duchess-of-edinburgh-visits-the-memorial-to-the-victims-of-the-russian.jpg?s=2048x2048&w=gi&k=20&c=XrYFuXhKFrit-EjFZAYVH89AQQkc7BHRE-pEnwQRZe4=

в Ирпене, Романовский мост...
The Duchess was also shown the Romanivska Bridge in Irpin, which became a key part of the Ukrainian resistance when it was blown up to stop Russian troops proceeding to Kyiv

в Ирпене
Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской She also visited the Car Cemetery in the town of Irpin on the outskirts of Kyiv, which was the site of a fierce battle during the early stages of the Russian invasion

В Ирпене Софи посетила семейный центр, где встретилась с детьми, возвращёнными из России.
Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской The Duchess also met with children as she visited a family centre run by Save Ukraine in the town of Irpin

Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской The Duchess met children who had been returned to Ukraine after being forcibly separated from their families during the invasion

Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской Sophie was greeted by children who had drawn welcoming messages for her on a flag of Ukraine

Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской The Duchess is all smiles as she speaks to a young child at the Save Ukraine family centre in Irpin

на Софи платье от Etro за 1215 £
Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/04/29/21/84236445-13363939-image-m-41_1714421372683.jpg

А сегодня, в среду, Софи посетила Королевское конное шоу в Виндзоре.
Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/05/01/15/84324065-13371543-image-a-69_1714574687070.jpg Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/05/01/15/84324067-13371543-image-m-68_1714574679380.jpg

Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/05/01/15/84321977-13371543-image-a-54_1714574497740.jpg

Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/05/01/15/84324047-13371543-image-a-59_1714574615710.jpg

Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/05/01/15/84324049-13371543-image-a-60_1714574620679.jpg

Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской Sophie appeared to be in high spirits as she enjoyed today's events on day one of the Royal Windsor Horse show

Мероприятия Софи Эдинбургской She wore her blonde tresses down in a relaxed smile and opted for dewy, natural make-up today

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