Маленькое Сомали в Швеции

топ 100 блогов oldfisher_mk25.02.2017 Из солнечной Скандинавии сообщают http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4258014/Was-Trump-right-Sweden.html

"The trouble began when police tried to arrest a teenage member of a notorious drug-dealing gang.
Within hours, the snowy streets of Rinkeby, a northern suburb of the Swedish capital Stockholm, had erupted into violence with his fellow gang members hurling Molotov cocktails at passing vehicles, torching parked cars, throwing rocks and looting shops.
The mob fought with police to free 17-year-old Maikal Hassan, the son of Ethiopian immigrants, and as they advanced, one officer drew his pistol and fired a shot at the gang and missed, while others shot high into the air to try to scare the masked youth.
Trump was reported — incorrectly — as claiming there had been a ‘terrorist incident’ in Sweden
Eventually, police withdrew for their own safety and were forced to call the imam from the local mosque to ask him to appeal to the rioters to disperse. Even then the disturbance continued until the early hours.
The riots on Monday night in Rinkeby, a migrant ghetto known locally as ‘Little Mogadishu’, are a major embarrassment for the Swedish government. They came just two days after Donald Trump, the U.S. President, was widely ridiculed for comments he made at a rally in Florida last weekend.

‘You look at what’s happening last night in Sweden,’ thundered Trump. ‘Sweden? Who’d believe this? Sweden? They took in large numbers [of asylum seekers]. They’re having problems like they never thought possible.’
In fact, he had been referring to a report on Fox News, which blamed an alleged breakdown in law and order in Sweden on an influx of migrants over the past 20 years
Trump was reported — incorrectly — as claiming there had been a ‘terrorist incident’ in Sweden.
In fact, he had been referring to a report on Fox News, which blamed an alleged breakdown in law and order in Sweden on an influx of migrants over the past 20 years.
Trump’s comments drew immediate derision from the Swedish government and pro-migrant groups, which gleefully pointed out that the most interesting item in the Swedish news that day had been a photograph of a live elk trying to mount a wooden elk.
King Carl Gustaf said it is ‘important to present’ good news and that Trump’s allegation was damaging the country’s reputation
The Swedish royal family even joined in. King Carl Gustaf said it is ‘important to present’ good news and that Trump’s allegation was damaging the country’s reputation.
The fact that Sweden, the most liberal of European countries, openly welcomed asylum seekers, refugees and economic migrants over 20 years is not in doubt.
Some 1.7 million have arrived since the Nineties, transforming a country with a population of just ten million.
In the past two years alone — as war in Syria and Afghanistan, and conflict and poverty elsewhere in the Middle East and Africa has fuelled mass migration — Sweden has taken in 275,000 immigrants.
Now, in the wake of Trump’s claims, the riots in Rinkeby this week and reports that some 300 foreign-born Swedes have joined Islamic State, that open-door policy and its consequences are under scrutiny as never before.
Once home to working-class Swedes, Rinkeby’s population is now 90 per cent foreign incomers.
The few Swedes who remain called the place Little Mogadishu not just because of the large population of Somalis, but because — as in the Somali capital — violence and fear are endemic.
Maikal Hassan, the young man whose arrest led to the disturbances, was a member of the ‘Rinkeby Network’ gang that controls much of the local drug dealing.
Hassan — first named in a criminal police report when he was just ten years old; at 15, he was under youth detention for eight counts of assault, robbery and burglary — had been apprehended during a rare foray by officers into what is generally accepted as a no-go zone.
His brother was shot dead in a gangland feud last year.
‘These people don’t want to live a normal European life,’ a Rinkeby resident named Anton told me.
‘It’s a jungle. I never go out after dark and don’t carry much money. It’s too dangerous.’

Now, in the wake of Trump’s claims, the riots in Rinkeby this week and reports that some 300 foreign-born Swedes have joined Islamic State, that open-door policy and its consequences are under scrutiny as never before. Pictured, the Rinkeby riots
Now, in the wake of Trump’s claims, the riots in Rinkeby this week and reports that some 300 foreign-born Swedes have joined Islamic State, that open-door policy and its consequences are under scrutiny as never before. "

Статью целиком вы можете прочесть по ссылке http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4258014/Was-Trump-right-Sweden.html
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