Король Карл посетил Саутпорт

топ 100 блогов ru_royalty21.08.2024 Король Карл посетил Саутпорт
Он почтил память жертв резни.
Король Карл посетил Саутпорт His Majesty arrived earlier on Tuesday to meet with the survivors and families of the victims of the tragic attack. King Charles is pictured arriving in Southport

Король Карл посетил Саутпорт https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/08/20/14/88724741-13761385-The_crowd_welcomed_the_monarch_as_he_arrived_with_some_singing_G-a-6_1724159525052.jpg

Король Карл посетил Саутпорт King Charles appeared moved when he saw the scale of the tributes left for those killed in the attack

Король Карл посетил Саутпорт Dozens of balloons and stuffed animals - which are only brought out during good weather - were also on display outside the town hall

Король Карл посетил Саутпорт At one point, the King appeared to read one of the messages of tribute left on one of the bunches as he slowly walked through the floral display

Король Карл посетил Саутпорт The King waited to visit Southport until the region's police were less stretched by unrest

Король Карл посетил Саутпорт https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/08/20/14/88725807-13761385-image-a-18_1724160825197.jpg

Король Карл посетил Саутпорт https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/08/20/14/88723993-13761385-The_King_will_travel_from_Scotland_to_Southport_today_to_meet_wi-a-2_1724159525051.jpg

Король Карл посетил Саутпорт https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/08/20/14/88724471-13761385-King_Charles_is_pictured_inspecting_some_of_the_floral_tributes_-a-12_1724159525059.jpg

Король Карл посетил Саутпорт https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/08/20/14/88725299-13761385-image-a-14_1724159742392.jpg

Король Карл посетил Саутпорт The King opened his hands as he spoke of his amazement at the floral tributes left in Southport

Король Карл посетил Саутпорт Charles, 75, who is still undergoing cancer treatment, is expected to fly from Balmoral. The King is pictured at the floral display in Southport on Tuesday

Король Карл посетил Саутпорт The monarch also appeared to read some of the messages and tributes left in Southport

Король Карл посетил Саутпорт King Charles is pictured in the background of the floral display, which also includes a number of balloons and cuddly toys

Расписывается в книге соболезнований
Король Карл посетил Саутпорт King Charles signs a book of condolence during his visit to Southport Town Hall following the horror attack

Король Карл посетил Саутпорт The King was accompanied by members of his security team and the press

King Charles stopped to shake the hands of some members of the public during his trip to Southport

Король Карл посетил Саутпорт Charles shook hands with a young girl in Southport and greeted her as he arrived in the town

Король Карл посетил Саутпорт Hundreds of people, including children on their summer holidays, turned out to greet the King

Король Карл посетил Саутпорт Residents young and old came together to thank Charles for visiting the town just weeks after the fatal tragedy

Король Карл посетил Саутпорт The King stopped to talk to locals who had waited hours for a glimpse of him outside the town hall

Король Карл посетил Саутпорт Charles is seen surrounded by locals during his visit to Southport on Tuesday

Король Карл посетил Саутпорт King Charles waved from the window of his car as he left Southport this afternoon

Ещё король встретился с

Король Карл посетил Саутпорт King Charles had tea as he met with community leaders this afternoon and thanked emergency services for their hard work

Король Карл посетил Саутпорт Britain's King Charles III meets with representatives from Merseyside's emergency services and local community groups at the Community Fire Station in Southport

Король поговорил с офицерами полиции.
Король Карл посетил Саутпорт King Charles was seen speaking with police officers who had been involved in the response to the riots

Король Карл посетил Саутпорт The King spoke with emergency responders after a difficult few weeks for the town

Король Карл посетил Саутпорт Representatives from local police, ambulance services and firefighters were all present

Король Карл посетил Саутпорт His Majesty met with those affected by the attack and riots alongside thanking front-line emergency staff for their ongoing work

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