
Пока опубликованы некоторые отрывки из этой кинжки. Часть из них приведена в этой статье -- "Bob Woodward’s new book reveals a ‘nervous breakdown’ of Trump’s presidency".
Книжка Вудворда рисует примерно ту же картину, что и нашумевшая книжка Майкла Вулфа. Отличие, и существенное, правда, в том, что Вудворд, в отличие от Вулфа, имеет очень высокую репутацию.
В принципе, в книге много разных деталей, о которых мы не знали, но, по сути, мы давным-давно знаем, что из себя представляет Трамп. Мы это, в общем, знали еще до того, как он стал президентом, но тогда некоторые еще надеялись, что, став президентом, Трамп переродится. И мы уже давно знаем, что никакого перерождения не произошло.
Так что в общем этот твит вполне уместен -- Josh Marshall:
Biggest revelation in Woodward book is that Trump balled out Sessions, telling him, "Stop indicting people we need to hold control of the House!" ... oh wait, that was a tweet.Что касается отрывков из книжки, то процитирую этот:
The book vividly recounts the ongoing debate between Trump and his lawyers about whether the president would sit for an interview with Mueller. On March 5, Dowd and Trump attorney Jay Sekulow met in Mueller’s office with the special counsel and his deputy, James Quarles, where Dowd and Sekulow reenacted Trump’s January practice session.То есть люди вокруг Трампа прекрасно понимают, что он за идиот. И мы это прекрасно понимаем. Думаю, даже многие трамписты это понимают... And that's where we are.
Dowd then explained to Mueller and Quarles why he was trying to keep the president from testifying: “I’m not going to sit there and let him look like an idiot. And you publish that transcript, because everything leaks in Washington, and the guys overseas are going to say, ‘I told you he was an idiot. I told you he was a goddamn dumbbell. What are we dealing with this idiot for?’ ”
“John, I understand,” Mueller replied, according to Woodward.
Later that month, Dowd told Trump: “Don’t testify. It’s either that or an orange jumpsuit.”
Еще один отрывок:
A near-constant subject of withering presidential attacks was Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Trump told Porter that Sessions was a “traitor” for recusing himself from overseeing the Russia investigation, Woodward writes. Mocking Sessions’s accent, Trump added, “This guy is mentally retarded. He’s this dumb Southerner. … He couldn’t even be a one-person country lawyer down in Alabama.”Опять же, ничего принципиально нового, но... Что если бы Хиллари Клинтон так отозвалась о южанине? Как бы сами южане отреагировали? И какой будет реакция в этот раз? Никакой? Правильно.
Также послушайте телефонный разговор Вудворда с Трампом. Аудиозапись ниже. А транскрипт доступен здесь.
В разговоре смешно, что Трамп сначала врет, что никто не говорил ему, что Вудворд хочет с ним побеседовать, но потом соглашается, что да, по крайней мере Грэм говорил:
BW: I’m sorry we missed the opportunity to talk for the book.
Trump: Well, I just spoke with Kellyanne [Conway] and she asked me if I got a call. I never got a call. I never got a message. Who did you ask about speaking to me?
Trump: Well, if you would call Madeleine [Westerhout] in my office . . . Did you speak to Madeleine?
BW: No, I didn’t. But I . ..
Trump: Madeleine is the key. She’s the secret. Because she’s the person . ..
BW: Well, I talked to Raj [Shah] about it. I talked to . . . I talked to Kellyanne.
Trump: Well, a lot of them are afraid to come and talk, or — you know, they are busy. I’m busy. But I don’t mind talking to you. I would’ve spoken to you. I spoke to you 20 years [ago] and I spoke to you a year and a half or two years ago.
BW: Well, Mr. President, how can I spend all this time talking to people and — like Kellyanne and Raj and Republican senators?
Trump: Who were the senators? No, they never called me about it.
BW: Senator [Lindsey] Graham said he had talked to you about talking to me. Now, is that not true?
Trump: Senator Graham actually mentioned it quickly in one meeting.
BW: Yes. Well, see. And then nothing happened.
Trump: That is true. That is true. Well, that — no, but that is true. Mentioned it quickly, not like, you know, and I would certainly have thought that maybe you would’ve called the office.
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