It's Official: Lord Elrond is Red Skull in Captain America movie

топ 100 блогов ohnotheydidnt04.05.2010 It's Official: Lord Elrond is Red Skull in Captain America movie

A-list parents are ramping up security amid growing fears their high-profile children could be kidnap targets.

Nicole Richie used to love the idea of being a normal mum in LA, driving daughter Harlow to playdates at Fit For Kids and only employing a security guard for high-profile functions. But all that has changed in the past few weeks.

Now she and her daughter are driven to the children’s gym in a blacked-out Chevy Suburban SUV with bulletproof glass, and little Harlow is taken in through a back entrance rather than the front door.

The mum-of-two has now employed three full-time guards armed and trained in the Israeli martial art form Krav Maga.

And the 28-year-old designer and her fiance Joel Madden have spent more than $160,000 having their home retro-fitted with a state-of-the-art motion-sensor security system and CCTV cameras around the perimeters of the property.

The reason? Nicole has become paranoid that Harlow, 2, and little brother Sparrow, 8 months, are prime targets for kidnappers.

She first became concerned earlier this year following a spate of home invasions committed by a teen gang known as the Burglar Bunch, who targeted Hollywood’s rich and famous. A number of Nicole and Joel’s friends, including Hilary Duff, Lindsay Lohan, Orlando Bloom and Paris Hilton have been targeted.

The gang’s crimes have sparked a massive increase in security demands from A-listers, with many Hollywood residents now paranoid about their own safety. “The robberies made Nicole realise how vulnerable their community was to security breaches,” says a friend.

“Nicole has such a high profile at the moment – her children are photographed everywhere they go. She became terrified they are so recognisable and had such a clearly defined routine, in where they go and what they do in LA, that they were easy pickings for a ransom demand.”

Since the gang robbery scare, Nicole has changed her daily routine and rarely drives herself anywhere, preferring to use a chauffeur.

She’s also reined in her Twitter posts to more general comments rather than giving specific details of bars, restaurants and venues she’s visited.


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