И у японцев проблемы
kilativ — 21.01.2024 Japan has become the fifth country to successfully land on the moon after confirming today that its SLIM lander survived its descent to the surface — but its mission is likely to be short lived. JAXA, the Japanese space agency, says the spacecraft is having problems with its solar cell and is unable to generate electricity. In its current state, the battery may only have enough juice to keep it running a few more hours.Отсюда
По крайней мере долетели, но посадочный модуль быстро сдох. Прямо какая-то карма. Сперва над русскими зубоскалили, а теперь сами зубоскалы жидко дрищут. Кто более жидко чем русские (США), кто менее (Япония).
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