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How to buy bitcoin with debit card

топ 100 блогов papai04.06.2019Ликбез

How to buy bitcoin with debit card

Using a debit card to buy bitcoin sounds easier than using a credit card, trust me it’s not. Purchasing bitcoin with a debit card can be tricky depending on the particular card type and the card issuer. Because unlike a credit card, the debit card has no universal standard. A Visa credit card, irrespective of issuing company or the country (at least for most of the countries), works similarly. Same goes with a Mastercard credit card. However, things get different when it comes to the debit card. There can be many types of Visa or Mastercard debit cards even within the same country depending on which bank issued your card. Sometimes even the same bank or company issues different kinds of debit cards under the same brand. There are many exchanges and sites from where you can purchase some crypto coins with credit and debit cards. However, while you can use any major branded credit card in those sites and buy bitcoin successfully, you’ll find some of your debit cards are not compatible with those sites, even if they are all standard brand debit cards like Visa or Mastercard. We have tested several such sites with all major branded debit cards and found this site https://casherbox.com accepts the most type of cards if you want to buy bitcoin with debit card.

WireX: The site I’m about to show you is the best thing I’ve come across recently to buy bitcoin with a debit card or credit card. This site, named WireX, is available in the UK, Europe, and the USA. It comes complete with an app for your smartphone, and you can open the account for free. Just underneath the homepage, you can see that the FCO regulates them, so you don’t have to worry about your money when you’re dealing with them. So, once you’re registered with them, you can link your debit card in your account – so that you can purchase bitcoin with that card. To do that, you have to log in, then click “preferences”, then “linked cards” and then “link new card” – that’s it. Now, you have to put your card details there (name, number, expiration date, CVV, etc.) and click the “confirm” button and your debit card will be added the card successfully. One thing is needed to be mentioned here is that your debit card must be 3-D secured to be compatible in this site, so make sure you’re using the exact type of debit cards. If you’re not sure, you can always ask your card issuer company.

Now, as you’ve successfully linked your debit card in your account, you have to top-up your account first. You cannot directly buy bitcoin with your card; first, you have to top-up your account from the card, and then you can use that money from your account to purchase bitcoin. It’s a pretty straight forward process and takes no more than a few minutes to finish. Once you successfully top-up your account using your debit card, you can use the entire amount to buy bitcoin, or you can use some amount and leave the rest for future purchase – it’s totally up to you. For example, if you want to buy $100 worth of BTC, you can top-up your account with just that exact amount plus 1% extra for a fee and then use up the whole amount to buy bitcoin.

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