х - хутцпа

«Рычаг-АВ» сбил в Сирии 34 «Томагавка»
Американские военные эксперты зафиксировали непонятное отключение систем наведения крылатых ракет
По имеющей в редакции Veterans Today информации, из 34 пропавших крылатых ракет 5 упали в окрестностях Шайрата, убив несколько мирных жителей и ранив порядка 20 человек. Остальные 29 «Томагавков» рухнули в море, так и не долетев до берега.
Trump Humilated: Syria Shoots Down 34 of 59 Cruise Missiles, Russia to Upgrade System Soon
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor on April 9, 2017
Russian ECM crashes Tomahawks into Med, others shot down
Editor’s note: It is OK for an American to feel good, elated even, if something evil “done in our name” fails.
By Gordon Duff with Dr. Bassam Barakat, Damascus with Press TV Tehran
Breaking: Since putting this story up, Syrian officials agreed to talk to us about this. The reason this story was withheld is explained below, but as “the gloves are off,” we are going public. America’s failure to upgrade its cruise missiles, to harden them against modern ECM and to assume that Syria was defenseless is only part of the story. We might remind readers of the USS Donald Cook as well. America is lucky it didn’t have to tow its two destroyers home, after all, it has happened before.

что врут это понятно. а вот я задался вопросом, откуда КАРТИНКО?
и беСдуховный пропиндосский гугль немедленно ответил, сцуко:
это, внезапно, дефектная расейская ракета недолетевшая немного до очередного сирийского госпиталя с детишками.
Pictured, a sea launched ballistic missile which fell unexploded in an olive grove outside of Aleppo. The missile was launched by Russian warships as part of an offensive on the Azaz district of the city.
Х - хуцпа.

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