Герцогиня Кембриджская посещает Лондонский стадион.
ru_royalty — 26.02.2020 Сегодня Кэтрин, герцогиня Кембриджская, посещает Лондонский стадион.Фото в рубрику "Прекрасная Кейт":
The Duchess has arrived at the @LondonStadium’s Indoor Track with @TJL1967. She has been greeted by a taekwondo demonstration from Lutalo Muhammad and Mia Pachansky. She will now be given an insight into track and field while meeting SportsAid athletes, parents and guardians! pic.twitter.com/B1rUJhGT4S
— SportsAid (@TeamSportsAid) February 26, 2020
The Duchess is taken aback as she reads the application Jessica Ennis-Hill submitted to SportsAid as a 15-year-old. The form was written by Jessica and she informed the charity that her long-term ambition was to 'compete in major championships'. She did a bit more than that! pic.twitter.com/hQV55cQOIq
— SportsAid (@TeamSportsAid) February 26, 2020
The Duchess is being given an in-depth introduction to track and field as she learns more about the starting blocks, including the differences for para athletes, with coach Coral Nourrice, Jessica Ennis-Hill, Danny Sidbury and Emmanuel Oyinbo-Coker! pic.twitter.com/m4ALiA7qGI
— SportsAid (@TeamSportsAid) February 26, 2020
Герцогиня и Джессика Эннис-Хилл:
Kate with Jessica Ennis-Hill pic.twitter.com/SfBY2Z16mY
— Richard Palmer (@RoyalReporter) February 26, 2020
Джессика уже получала поддержку от фонда Sport Aid, патроном которого является Кэтрин. Сегодня она привезла заявление на поддержку 2005 года, чтобы вспомнить этот момент и рассказать герцогини, как ей помогла поддержка фонда: