Фликр. Я как-то внутренне очень нерасположен платить куда-то членские взносы.
vryadli — 15.12.2022 немногих мест, где я таки плачу, Фликр вероятно на первом месте по отношению отдача-взнос. А из больших игроков )точно на первом (есть еще Веловьюер, он другого уровня. И да, я пока никогда не буду платить Страве, Спотифаю и прочим клаудам)At SmugMug + Flickr, we believe that photography is an incredibly important visual record of our history. As citizens, we don’t have nearly enough access to our own photographic histories that we collectively own in the public domain. In light of that, we’re thrilled to announce the founding of our very own nonprofit, the Flickr Foundation.
The Flickr Foundation is working to expand access to photographic history, and to preserve those photographs for generations to come. We’re also aware that our communities are documenting those histories right now. Flickr is full of events, both significant and small, that document our humanity. In order to truly preserve and share our photographic history, we must also build out a plan and a foundation for the living history on all our digital platforms.
We’re doing this so that in 100 years, we aren’t just sharing millions of cultural heritage photographs. With the work of the Flickr Foundation, we’re creating a visual commons—a collective reference of our history and our humanity, accessible by anyone, anywhere.