"Это просто стресс"

топ 100 блогов chuka_lis10.02.2022 Очередная история, как врачи  в Англии и Австралии (с десяток физишенов) с  2018 года игнорировали проблемы со здоровьем пациентки, когда она им жаловалась на свои симптомы, и отвечали ей, что "все ок у тебя, ты молодая и здоровая, тебе всего 20, это все из-за стресса". Только когда женщина попала в скорую помощь, потеряв сознание от болей,  тогда уже ее качественно обследовали, и была обнаружена опухоль яичника, к тому времени достигшая размеров волейбольного мяча, и была в конце концов, удалена, после чего женщина продолжает получать противораковую терапию.
Что поделать, зачастую врачи просто не слушают больного (которому, с их точки зрения, "кажется",  у которого "просто стресс, психосоматика, депрессия, невроз, ипохондрия", и тп)- и не всегда пациент может доказать врачу, что с ним непорядок, выпросить обследование, 2 мнение, и отстоять свое здоровье.
Хорошо, когда есть рядом близкие которые помогут "отстоять", дать совет, поддержать, или помогут найти нормального врача.
Again and again, Hannah Catton told doctors something was wrong with her body. Again and again, she said, the doctors dismissed her concerns.They didn't listen in late 2018 when she told them about her frequent urinary tract infections. They didn't listen months later when she returned to tell them she was having irregular periods. And they didn't listen when she complained of bloating, constipation, diarrhea and extreme pain.Catton was telling them her body was in rebellion. Almost a dozen physicians told her otherwise: She was young and healthy, so it was probably nothing - just a little too much stress. One told her she was overweight and losing a few pounds might ease her symptoms.Almost three years passed after Catton's symptoms first emerged, during which she saw about 10 doctors. Then, in October, she collapsed in pain and took herself to the emergency room. From one of her ovaries, surgeons pulled a cancerous blob stretching nearly eight inches and weighing roughly 4½ pounds.After her years-long crusade to be heard, Catton, now 24, wants other women and doctors to learn from her experience. Women should learn the warning signs of ovarian cancer and forcefully advocate for themselves, she said, while doctors need to become better versed in recognizing the symptoms. More importantly, Catton said, physicians need to listen to patients instead of dismissing them.Starting in 2018, Catton said she went to multiple doctors, but they all brushed off the possibility of a serious ailment. They told her to monitor her symptoms and come back months later if she still felt ill. Several gave her antibiotics."It was an extremely hard conversation to have with my parents over the phone, to tell them I didn't know if I was going to die," she told the BBC.The coronavirus complicated matters. If Catton had been diagnosed before the pandemic, her parents would have dropped everything to fly thousands of miles to care for her, even if it was just for a week, she said. They would have taken her to appointments, run her errands and cuddled her. But with Australia's strict covid restrictions barring almost any outsiders from traveling into the country, that wasn't an option."My parents - they just feel helpless. Like, what can you do over the phone?"Two days after her diagnosis, doctors removed the tumor. Testing it and receiving the results took another three days.When they came back, the result was a relief. The cancer hadn't spread, and Catton's prognosis was good. Because the tumor had ruptured, she needed to go through chemotherapy to "mop up" any cancer remnants. She started on Dec. 6 and went in to start her fourth round on Monday, which will be her last if tests show she's in remission.While ovarian cancer appears to be done with Catton, she's not done with it. Catton started researching and discovered her case wasn't unique. Ovarian cancer is hard to detect because of its vague symptoms - bloating, constipation, frequent urination, back pain and feeling full quickly when eating - especially during early stages, according to the Mayo Clinic News Network. There are no reliable screening tests for ovarian cancers, unlike other gynecologic cancers. "As a patient, we should feel comfortable and confident enough to advocate for ourselves," she said, adding, "If I'd have seen a story like this a year ago, two years ago, maybe it would have made me be a bit more forceful in how I was approaching it with doctors and saying, 'No, listen to me.'

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