Чем добрый меч хуже пистолета???

In fact, swords, spears, daggers, sabers, bowie knives and machetes are all perfectly fine to tote around. Pretty much anything you can whip out in a Dungeons and Dragons battle is fair game.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed the bill into law last month, but it doesn't go into effect until September 1.
Under the existing law knives with blades longer than 5.5 inches could be purchased but not carried -- with only limited exceptions.
There are some places where the new law won't apply -- including schools, prisons, hospitals, amusement parks or places of worship. Long blades are still banned at sports events. And you can't bring your sword into a bar, either.
По недосмотру в Техасе нельзя было носить открыто свой меч, если он длиннее 5.5 дюйма, а по конституции это неотъемлемое право и меч ничем не хуже автомата, на который многие вздрачивают. Вот теперь можно и с двуручником по городу шляться. Только он тяжелый, зараза.
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