
топ 100 блогов rhumb30.03.2021
В древности март обозначал смерть.
В марте заканчивались припасы, грозила гибель,
если солнце не растопит лёд и первые цветы не пробьются из земли.
Из марта наступало чудесное воскрешение в новую жизнь, счастье и любовь.
Слово «смерть» ещё не прозвучало, только «март».
Говорили в июне: «в наш дом пришёл март», говорили в сентябре: «пришёл март».
Каждый, кто пережил март, становился старше на год.
В царстве мёртвых всегда месяц март.
Проходя через март, можно мимолетно встретить любимых и родных.
О тебе скажут: «остался в марте».

версия Нины Симон:

оригинал Tony Mckay/Exuma, 1971г:

There is no oxygen in the air
Men and women have lost their hair
Ashen faces, legs that stand
Ghosts and goblins walk in this land
When today becomes yesterday
And tomorrow becomes eternity
When the soul, when the soul goes way beyond
When life is taken and there are no more babies born
When there is no one and there is everyone

Tomorrow will be the 22nd century
Tomorrow will be the 22nd century
Tomorrow will be the 22nd century
It will be, it will be, it will be ahh

The 21st century was here and gone
And the 20th century was the dawn
The beginning of the end was the 21st
When the 20th century was at an end

1990 was the year when the plague struck the earth
1988 was the year when men and women
Struck out for freedom
And bloodletting was the thing that was

People said there was no god
And there was no reason
And there was no cause

1972 was right all the way
Drums and bugles blasting all though the day
Right wing left wing middle of the road
Sidewinder backswinger backlash whiplash
Red stockings
Liberation of women liberation of men
Everybody carrying a heavy load

Tomorrow will be the 22nd century
Tomorrow will be the 22nd century
Tomorrow will be the 22nd century
It will be, it will be, it will be ahh

Liberation of animals
Prevention of cruelty to animals men and beast
Flying and unflying things
Revolution of music poetry love and life
Sex changing changing changing
Man is woman woman is man
Even your brain is not your brain
Your heart is a plastic thing which can be bought
There are no more diseases which can be caught

Man became the thing that he worshipped
Man truly became his god
That was the day that man and woman truly became bored
Man became his good
Man became his evil
Man became his god
And man became his devil

Tomorrow will be the 22nd century
Tomorrow will be the 22nd century
Tomorrow will be the 22nd century
It will be, it will be, it will be ahh

Young women without money caught
Big dogs living in marble lofts
Young men die in spring
Boys of 7 falling in love
Give that lady fair a diamond ring
Wedding wedding wedding wedding
No a wedding ain't the thing
Don't want no preacher
Don't want no preacher man preachin'
Give me your hand and take my hand
This is better than anybody's preacher man
The truth is now unfold
It says 7 years
7 years, so I am told
Don't sway me over
Don't try to sway me over to your day
On your day
Your day will go away

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