А куда идут деньги, изьятые американской полицией у преступников?

топ 100 блогов kilativ06.09.2021 А идут они... полиции!

The money from seizures is split between the different agencies that are a part of the bust and then divided. If suspects appeal and are found innocent, police must return their items or reimburse them.

То есть, если у вас на улице полиценйские отобрали наличные, то эти наличные будут переданы в распоряжение полиции и дальше это ВАШЕ дело доказать, что эти наличные - законны.

Civil forfeiture in the United States, also called civil asset forfeiture or civil judicial forfeiture, is a process in which law enforcement officers take assets from persons suspected of involvement with crime or illegal activity without necessarily charging the owners with wrongdoing. While civil procedure, as opposed to criminal procedure, generally involves a dispute between two private citizens, civil forfeiture involves a dispute between law enforcement and property such as a pile of cash or a house or a boat, such that the thing is suspected of being involved in a crime. To get back the seized property, owners must prove it was not involved in criminal activity. Sometimes it can mean a threat to seize property as well as the act of seizure itself. Civil forfeiture is not considered to be an example of a criminal justice financial obligation.

И дальше еще интереснее, эта практика отменяет презумпцию невиновности, и права американских граждан против чрезмерных поборов, закрепленных в 8 поправке к конституции США, а также против обысков и конфискаций без решения суда, закрепленных в 4 поправке!!!!

Innocent owners can become entangled in the process to the extent that their 4th Amendment and 5th Amendment rights are violated, in situations where they are presumed guilty instead of being presumed innocent. It has been described as unconstitutional by a judge in South Carolina. Further, critics argue that the incentives lead to corruption and law enforcement misbehavior. There is consensus that abuses have happened but disagreement about their extent as well as whether the overall benefits to society are worth the cost of the instances of abuse

И тем не менее, практика сохраняется и мордокопы класть хотели на Конституцию. Это они с БЛМ справляться не умеют, а вот отбирать наличные деньги у граждан - это легко и запросто.

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