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топ 100 блогов yakov_a_jerkov02.09.2017 Производит впечатление.

Подробности тут -- ‘This is crazy,’ sobs Utah hospital nurse as cop roughs her up, arrests her for doing her job.

Сложно, наверное, удивляться, что когда Трамп говорит полицейским "I said, you can take the hand away, okay?", полицейские не возмущаются, а радостно аплодируют.

Из статьи по ссылке:
Salt Lake police spokesman Sgt. Brandon Shearer told local media that Payne had been suspended from the department’s blood draw unit but remained on active duty.
Как будто проблема в том, что он был в blood draw unit.

Update: А, кстати, нет ли у Боланьо чего-нибудь на эту тему? Есть, конечно. У него о полицейских, вообще, много написано. Вот этот отрывок, который я уже приводил в "О непонимании", практически о точно такой же ситуации.

Мексиканский полицейский тоже не понимает what's the big deal. Только, в отличие от полицейского американского, он не арестовывает отказавшую ему женщину, а пытается извиниться, хотя эта женщина ведет себя с ним куда менее вежливо, чем медсестра на видео.
Back in the director's office, he asked how long she'd been the head of the asylum. For ages, she said, laughing. I can't even remember how long. As they drank more coffee, of which the director was clearly very fond, he asked if she was from Santa Teresa. No, said the director. I was born in Guadalajara and I studied in Mexico City and then in San Francisco, at Berkeley. Juan de Dios Martinez would have liked to keep talking and drinking coffee, and maybe ask whether she was married or divorced, but he didn't have time. Can I take them with me? he asked. The director looked at him uncomprehendingly. Can I take the patients with me? he asked. The director laughed in his face and asked if he was right in the head. Where do you want to take them? To be part of a kind of lineup, said the inspector. The victim is in the hospital and can't go anywhere. You lend me your patients for a few hours, I'll take them on a ride to the hospital, and you'll have them back before dark. You're asking me? said the director. You're the boss, said the inspector. Bring me a court order from the judge, said the director. I can get one, but it's just red tape. Also, if I come with a court order, your patients will be brought in to the station, they might be kept a night or two, it won't be any fun for them. But if I take them with me now, it'll be easy. They ride in the car with me, I'm the only cop, and if the victim makes a positive identification, you still get your boys back, both of them. Doesn't that seem easier? No, not to me it doesn't, said the director, bring me a court order from the judge and then we'll see. I didn't mean to offend you, said the inspector. I'm shocked, said the director. Juan de Dios Martinez laughed. Well, I won't take them, then, and that's the end of it, he said. But will you promise to do your best to make sure neither of them leaves the asylum? The director got up and for a moment he thought she was going to kick him out. Then she called her secretary and asked for another cup of coffee. Would you like one? Juan de Dios Martinez nodded. Tonight I won't be able to sleep, he thought.

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