Zaabar - стекло в шоколаде, часть 2

Следуя советам сообщников, написала в Заабар такое письмо:
I want an answer from somebody who understands thus situation, not just amswer with templates.
I am very shocked with your service and your reaction to this large problem. I have ordered chockolate from you for relatively large amount of money and I have got glass in one of the bars! But all you offer me ia to send you chocolate back?
First of all, delivery cost from Russia to Belgium is 50 euro, which is much more expensive then vice versa. You even didn't offer to compensate this.
Second, part of the chocolate has already been eaten. Deadly bar was not the first I opened. What do you want, garbage, leftowers, wrappers?
Third, I posted about this situation in two largest internet-shopping communities of Russia. Your potential customers are very disappointed with your reaction to such an issue.
You know, there was glass in chocolate! I gave this
particular chocolate to my kid! If I have eaten it withiut
attention! It ia deadly dangerous! It is your quality control
There is a way I could inititate control of your production.
Even more - I will post about this situation at every site, forum
of Europe where zaabar is mentioned.
Do you even don't care if everybody know there can be glass in your
chocolate? Right before Christmas? About your greatest service?
I believe you know what to do to settle this
I want an answer from somebody who understands thus
situation, not just amswer with templatens.
И вот что мне ответил некий François Decarpentrie (судя по гуглу,
вот этот дядька:
I offered you to refund but getting the chocolate back which is
Такие дела. Почему он обвиняет меня в обмане? И пишет, что я нашла стекло и продолжила ест ьшоколад, когда я ясно же написала, что плитка со стеклом была не первая и мы съели часть шоколада? Не отпускает ощущение, что пишет русский, все смахивает на пресловутый "русский сервис", от которого мы бежим в интернет-магазины. В первом посте выяснилось, что не мне одной так не повезло найти шоколад, в прошлом году у девушки тоже попалось стекло. Не знаю, что делать. До сих пор в каком-то недоумении пребываю.
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