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Canada Judge Rules Father Has No Parental Rights

"A trans-identifying 14-year-old girl will be injected with testosterone despite her father’s objections, a judge on the Supreme Court of British Columbia ruled this week. The father’s refusal to comply, the judge said, was tantamount to "family violence".

The child’s father expressed his devastation late Wednesday in an interview with The Federalist.

“The government has taken over my parental rights,” he said, “They’re using [A.B.] like she’s a guinea pig in an experiment … Is BC Children’s Hospital going to be there in five years when she rejects [her male identity]? No they’re not. They don’t care. They want numbers.”

In the past, the majority of children diagnosed by sex-change clinics with gender dysphoria (or gender identity disorder) have ended up embracing their natal sex as adults. Clark referenced recent reports from England indicating that some transgender clinics have bowed to intense pressure from trans activists to fast-track children into hormone treatments.

The National Post noted that the father “provided the court with supporting affidavits from Dr. Quentin Van Meter, a pediatric endocrinologist in Atlanta, Georgia, and Miriam Grossman, a psychiatrist in Airmont, New York, that discussed the potential harmful psychological and physical effects of gender transitioning on children."


Решение суда, если кому-то интересно - https://www.docdroid.net/nm1XeFs/bowden-decision-feb-27-2019.pdf

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