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топ 100 блогов waspono — 30.04.2024

После знакомства с интервью Дугина Такеру Карлсону стало понятнее, с чего вдруг внезапно возбудились "студенты РГГУ" со своими петициями [центр Дугина открыт при РГГУ не вчера, а возбудились "студенты" только что :) - следует искать ниточки, за которые дёрнул "возбудитель" (= заказчик)].
Дело в том, что свежий скандал с "Тимуром и его командой" интересен совсем не тем, сколько в з я л бывший замминистра обороны, а тем, что в жёнах у него была … гражданка Израиля [скажем так, государства, не самого дружественного нам {как бы ни пытался Яков Кедми, долгое время п р и в е ч а е м ы й в передачах Владимира Рудольфовича Соловьева, уверить нас в обратном}. То есть (потенциально, разумеется, пока иное не доказано) доступ к информации государственной важности мог иметь … чёрт его знает кто! В нынешнем мире что-то скрыть - задача непростая :) .
Применительно к интервью Дугина Карлсону это значит: про то, что оно состоялось, знали. Знали заранее. Вот и попытались сыграть на опережение …
Теперь само интервью (Расшифровка машинная, огрехи возможны, но суть улавливается легко).
Ограничусь одним только комментарием. Диктатура minority над majority п р е д п о л а г а е т жесточайшую (!) дисциплину внутри этого самого minority. То есть уничтожение любых видов collective identity - это проповедуется в о в н е (для остальных!), для себя же minority сохраняет именно что коллективную идентичность. Иначе, повторюсь, ему не выжить.
В общем, смотрите.
И - думайте :) .


Klaus Schwab, Transgenderism, and AI | Russian Philosopher Aleksandr Dugin

Alexander Dugan is a

62-year-old Russian academic philosopher

he spent his life in Moscow he was an

anti-soviet dissident as a young man and

now he is famous the world over in the

English language press anyway as quote

Putin's brain but he is not a political

figure here in Russia he is once again a

philosopher and his ideas are deeply

offensive to some people in August of

2022 his only daughter was murder

murdered in Moscow when a car bomb

killed her us intelligence says she was

murdered by the Ukrainian government and

we take that at face value but what's

interesting is that once again Alexander

Dugan is not a military leader he's not

a close daily adviser to Vladimir Putin

he is a writer who writes about Big

Ideas and for this his books have been

banned by the Biden Administration in

the United States you cannot buy them on

Amazon Banning books in the United

States because ideas inside are too

dangerous he's often described again in

the English language press as far right

we'll let you assess but we wanted to

talk to him about some of his ideas

these ideas that are so dangerous that

his only daughter was murdered over them

and his books been banned in the United

States and so we're happy to have him

join us now Mr Dugan thank you very much

thank you thank you for inviting me and

and welcome to Moscow of course thank

you um so we were talking off camera

actually we're having a conversation

that we were not going to film just

interested to meet you but what you said

was so interesting um that we got a

couple of cameras and put this together

and my question to you is what do you

think is happening in the English

language countries and I said all of

them United States Canada Great Britain

New Zealand Australia all at once

decided to turn seemed to turn against

themselves and you have this great

turmoil um and some of the behavior seem

very self-destructive and where do you

think as an observer that comes from so

my I could just uh suggest uh express my

reading of of that uh it Demands a

little passion so I think that um

everything started with individualism so

individualism uh that was wrong

understanding of the human nature of the

the nature of man when you identify uh

individualism with the man with the

human uh nature you cut all the

relations to everything else so you you

have very special idea of the subject

philosophical subject as individual and

everything started in in the Anglo Saxon

world with Protestant Reform and with

nominalism before that nominalist

attitude that there are no ideas only

things only individual things so

individual it it was the key and is

still key concept that was uh put in the

center of liberal ideology and

liberalism as uh in my reading it is a

kind of historical and cultural and

political and philosophical process of

liberation of individual of any kind of

collective identity Collective

or that transcend uh transcends uh uh

individual and that started with uh

refuse of Catholic Church as collective

identity uh of Empire

um Western Empire as collective identity

uh after that it was revolt against

national state as collective identity in

favor of purely Civil Society after that

uh that was there was a big fight of the

20th century between uh liberalism

communism and Fascism and liberalism has

won once more so and after the fall of

the Soviet Union there was only


and Francis fukuyama has pointed out

correctly that no there there are no

more any ideologies except of liberalism

and liberalism that was uh liberation of

this individual uh from any kind of

collective identity there were only two

uh Collective identities to liberate

from uh gender identity because it is

collective identity you are man or woman

collectively so you could not be


so Liberation from gender and that has

led to transgenders to LGBT and new form

of sexual individualism so IND sex is

all something optional and that was not

just uh um deviation of liberalism that

was NE necessary elements of

implementation and the victor of this

liberal ideology and the last step that

is not yet to totally totally made is

Liberation from Human identity Humanity

optional and when now we are choosing or

you in the west you are you are choosing

the sex you want as you want and uh the

last step in this process of uh

liberalism implementation of liberalism

will mean precisely the human optional

so you can choose your individual

identity to be human not to be human

that has a name transhumanism

posthumanism uh Singularity artificial

intelligence uh Cloud Schwab or kurile

or Harari they openly declare that is

inevitable future of humanity so we

arrive uh to the historical Terminal

Station that we finally five centuries

uh ago we we have embarked in this train

and now we're arriving at the at the

last station so that that is my reading

and when uh all the elements all the

phases of that you cut the the tradition

with the past so you are no more

Protestant you are secular atheist

materialist you are no more national

state that served to Liberal to liberate

from Empire and now uh national state

comes um at its turn obstacle you are

liberating from National State uh

finally family uh is destroyed in favor

of this individualism and the last

things the sex that is already almost

overcome sex optional and in gender

politics there is only one step to to

arrive to uh to the end of this process

of liberation of liberalism that is the

abandoned human identity as something

prescribed so to be free from to be

human to to to have the possibility to

choose to be or not to be human and that

is the agenda political ideological

agenda agenda of over the tomorrow that

is why

to how I see Anglo-Saxon worlds that you

have asked of I think that is just the

uh avanguard uh Vanguard of for that's

process because that started with

Anglo-Saxons Imperial empirism

nominalism protestantism and now you are

ahead as um Anglo Saxon more devoted to

liberalism than any other Europe being

so you're I what you're describing is is

clearly happening and it's

horrifying but it's not the definition

of liberalism I have in mind when I

describe myself as what we say in the

United States as a classical liberals so

you think of liberalism as individual

freedom and choice

From Slavery right so the options as we

conceive them as I was growing up were

the individual who can follow his

conscience say what he thinks defend

himself against the state versus the

statism the totalitarianism embodied in

the government that you fought against

the Soviet government how and I think

most Americans think

of it that way how what's the

difference very interesting question uh

I think that is pro the problem is in

two definitions of liberalism there is

old liberalism Classical liberalism yes

and new liberalism so Classical

liberalism was in favor of democracy

democracy understood as the power of

majority of consensus of individual

Freedom that should be combined somehow

with the freedom of other and now we we

we have totally uh the next station

already next next phase new liberalism

uh now it is not about the rule of

majority but it is about the rule of

minorities it is not about individual

freedom but it is about workism so you

should be so individualistic that that

you should uh criticize not only the

state but in individual uh the the old

understanding of individual so you need

now you you are invited to liberate

yourself from individuality to go

further in in that direction so uh I I

have spoken with once with fukuyama

Francis fukuyama on TV and he has said

before democracy uh has meant the rule

of majority and now it is about the rule


minorities against majority because

majority could choose Hitler or Putin so

we need to be very careful with majority

and majority should be taken under

control and minorities should uh rule

over majority majority it is not

democracy is already totalitarianism and

now we are not about uh defense of the

individual freedom but about

prescription to be V to be uh to be

modern to be Progressive you it is not

uh your uh it is not your right to be or

not to be Progressive it is your duty to

be Progressive to follow this agenda so

you are free uh to be left liberal you

are no more is

free enough to be right liberal you

should be uh left liberal uh and that is

a kind of Duty is it is prescription so

liberalism fought during his it history

against against any kind of prescription

and now

it at its turn became totalitarian


not not free as it was at in some in

some and do you believe that's that was

inevitable that process that was always

going to happen I think that is I I

perceive here a kind of logic so a kind

of logic that is not just perversion or

deviation you start with one thing you

want to liberate individ ual when you

arrive at the point when when it is

possible it is realized so you need to

Pro go further so and you start to

liberate yourselves from now this time

from old understanding of individual in

favor of more Progressive um concept so

you could not stop here that is that is

my vision so if you say oh I prefer old

liberalism they would say the

progressives they would say it is not

about old liberalism it is about fascism

you are defender of traditionalism

conservativism fascism so stop here

either be Progressive liberal or or you

are done or we we will cancel you that

is what we we observe I would well it's

certainly what we're living and to see

self-described liberals ban your book

which is not a manual for bombing K or

invading Ukraine it's a you know these


philosophical Works um tells you that

it's not of course it's not liberal uh

in any sense I I wonder though like when

you reach the point when the individual

can no longer liberate himself from

anything when he's just not even

human what's the next step after that

that is described in um the pictures

American pictures films in many ways so

I think that uh you know that all the

all the science fictions almost all of

the 19th century were realized to put in

the reality in the 20s so there there is

nothing more realistic than science

fiction and if you consider uh Matrix or

Terminator you have so many so many um

more or less coinciding version of the

future the future with the posum or


situation or artificial intelligence you

Hollywood has made many many many films

I think they portray correctly reality o

of of the close future so uh for example

uh if we consider the man uh the human

nature as a kind of rational rational

animals uh so you could now with our

technology you could produce them so you

could create um rational animals or or

combine them or construct them and

artificial intelligence strong

artificial intelligence neura Network

plus huge database it is a kind of of

king of the world I would say that that

could not only only manipulate but

create realities because the realities

are just uh images just uh just

Sensations just feelings so I think that

posthumanist futurism is a kind of uh

not only a realistical description of

the very possible and probable future

but as well a a kind of political

manifest so it is not that is kind of

visual thinking and the the fact that

you have no uh uh bright traditional

future described in the films I don't

know any any any movie any movie of the

future in the west made about return to

traditional life the prosperity the

families with many childrens everything

is quite

quite in Shadow quite quite black so if

you if you if you um um if you used to

to paint everything black and the future

uh especially so this black future when

arrives and I think that is the fact the

same fact that that we had we have no

other option either Matrix or artificial

intelligence or or something um or a

Terminator so uh the choice is already

outside of the of the limits of humanity

and that is not not just fantasy I think

that is a kind of political project uh


it is easily imagin because we we have

seen the films they they follow more or

less close this this Progressive I would


agenda so I I've asked you no questions

about Russia or Russian politics that

I'm not going to because I think it's so

interesting to see your perspective on

countries that you don't live in because

you know we do gain Insight I think from

the view of Outsiders

my last question to you is how do you

explain this phenomenon I have noticed

where for over 70 years a group of

people in the west and the United States

liberals effectively defended the Soviet

system and stalinism and many

participated personally participated in

stalinism spied for Stalin supported him

in our

media at in the year 2000 and they loved

Boris yelton because he was drunk but in

the year 2000 leadership of this country

changed and Russia became their main

enemy so after 80 odd years of Defending

Russia they hated Russia what how what

was that why the change I think

um I think that um first of all Putin is

traditional leader so Putin uh when he

came to power from the very beginning he

started to uh to to extract the

our country the Russia from the global

influence so he started to contradict to

Global progressist agenda and these

people who supported Soviet Union they

were progressist and they are now

progressist so they have have felt that

now they are dealing they were dealing

with someone who doesn't share this

progressist uh agenda and who uh tried

and with success to restore Traditional

Values sovereignty of the state um

Christianity uh traditional family uh

that wasn't evident from the beginning

from outside but when uh Putin insisted

more and more on this traditional agenda

I would say on the particularity and

speciality of the Russian civilization

as some uh

special type of World Vision that um um

had and uh has now very little

similarities with the progressist

progressist idols so I think that they

have um discovered they have identified

in Putin precisely what Putin is so he

is a kind of um leader political leader

defending Traditional Values so I only

recently one years ago Putin has made

decree of the political defense uh of

Traditional Values that was turning

point I would say

but observers from the uh Progressive

camp in the west I think they have uh

they have understood that from the

beginning of his rule correctly

correctly so this hatred is not just

casual something casual or some mood it

is not it's not casual it's very serious

it's metaphysical so if you if you're if

you're main task and main goal is to

destroy traditional value traditional

family traditional States traditional

relations traditional um beliefs and

someone on that with the nuclear weapon

that is not not smallest uh at the least

but the last but not least uh arguments

someone with nuclear weapon to and

strong defending traditional value you

you are going to abolish I I think they

have some some basis for this uh

russophobia and the hatred for Putin so

uh it is not just by the chance it not

some irrational irrational uh change

from Soviet affilia

to to Russia for there it's something

deeper I would say it's my guess it's

clearly something it's clearly something

deeper um we felt it was important for

your ideas to get an airing in English

in the United States simply because we

believe in the open aing of ideas I

guess we're liberals that way um so

we're grateful that you took the time M

Duan thanks thank you very

much free speech is bigger than any one

person or any one organization societies

are defined by what they will not permit

what we're watching is the total

inversion of virtue

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