Ужасный контрактор по интерлоку и бетону - Amigos Interlock

топ 100 блогов torontoru28.08.2018

Всем привет. Я известна хвалебными отзывами, но в этот раз — жалуюсь, негодую, истекаю ядом и взываю — бегите от Amigos Interlock. Прошу перепоста, если вам не трудно! (Scroll down for detailed review in English.)
Этот же отзыв я разместила на homestars.com и в разных группах фейсбука. Если подскажете, где ещё можно испортить репутацию горе-контрактору — буду очень благодарна. И уж тем более — за репост. 

Amigos Interlock (Javier) рекламирует себя как спец по бетону и интерлоку. Мы заказали штампованный бетон. И теперь у нас "новенький" драйввей - весь в выщербинах и эрозиях, словно ему уже много лет. Заодно запачкали нам бетоном дверь, оконные колодцы, стену дома. И загубили лужайку наших соседей, бросали на неё инструменты и материалы, теперь мы ещё потратим деньги, восстанавливая соседу траву на его участке.

Ужасный контрактор по интерлоку и бетону - Amigos Interlock

Под катом ещё жуткие фотки и детальный отзыв на английском.
Click to open for more pics and detailed review in English.

Ужасный контрактор по интерлоку и бетону - Amigos Interlock
Ужасный контрактор по интерлоку и бетону - Amigos Interlock
Ужасный контрактор по интерлоку и бетону - Amigos Interlock
Ужасный контрактор по интерлоку и бетону - Amigos Interlock
Ужасный контрактор по интерлоку и бетону - Amigos Interlock
Ужасный контрактор по интерлоку и бетону - Amigos Interlock
Ужасный контрактор по интерлоку и бетону - Amigos Interlock
Ужасный контрактор по интерлоку и бетону - Amigos Interlock

Details - in English:
I am very disappointed with the stamped concrete driveway job done by Amigos Interlock on my property. I wish I had read all other negative reviews about them, then I would just avoid hiring this unprofessional team. The owner, Javier, promised a nicely looking driveway, and what did I get?
1) DAMAGED DRIVEWAY – uneven concrete surface with smudged pattern. Javier admitted at first that this happens if the concrete began to dry out before the stamp is laid. But his website portfolio shows nothing like that. No compensation offered for the ugly result! Even more, he wasted almost an hour of my time trying to persuade me it’s a "feature of the natural looking stone". The driveway already looks like it’s been several years since installation and some parts of the concrete have begun to erode. Check the pictures to see what I mean.
2) DAMAGE TO MY PROPERTY. Concrete splashes are all over my newly installed windows and window wells, storm door and house brickwork. Amigos Interlock did not use tarp to cover and protect anything. The concrete residue has dried and now can’t be cleaned. Now the driveway-adjacent part of my house looks messy. Pics attached.
3) DAMAGE TO MY NEIGHBOR’S PROPERTY. The crew kept throwing tools, materials and cement residue to my neighbour’s grass, despite me asking them not to do so. Now I had to apologize to my neighbour and promise that I would put some soil and overseed it until the grass is back to normal.
4) IGNORANT CREW. Whenever I asked to protect or clean the property, Amigos Interlock team either didn't understand when I've asked to protect or clean it or just ignored my requests. They hardly speak or comprehend English. The manners are next to none – the guy who came to clean the site threw his empty pack of cigarettes and water bottle in our window well.
5) DIFFICULT TO REACH. The sales man Javier is the only one who can communicate in English well, but he is absent from work site most of the time. Once he received money, he became very difficult to reach – didn’t answer a single email, did not pick up the phone, and the voice mailbox is always full.
6) ALWAYS LATE. On day one the team was late for 3 hours, without any message or call. I’ve lost half of my working day waiting for them and trying to reach Javier with no luck. They were late for every single visit and never gave a heads-up notice about delay.
7) NO WARRANTY. Javier promised to email me the warranty on August 16th. I’ve reminded him several times. Still nothing in my mailbox. He keeps says “tonight, tomorrow, I will”. I just stopped reminding. Anyway, other online reviews say that he ignores all future requests even if warranty was provided.
Check the pictures and save your time and money, don’t hire Amigos Interlock.
It looks like this company deletes all bad reviews on Google, so please spread the word if you can.

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