This is just as vile
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About 20 minutes before this morning's grotesque Trump rant, Fox & Friends ran a segment about "the Squad" and aired comments Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley (both born in the U.S.) made at Netroots Nation.
![This is just as vile This is just as vile](/images/main/this-is-just-as-vile-055f3d.jpg?from=
Если кто не знает, на фотографиях Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley и Rashida Tlaib.
Теперь "this morning's grotesque Trump rant":
So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. For the 1000th time, “but he just means illegal immigration” isn’t true and was never true.То есть да, с одной стороны, ничего неожиданного в сегодняшних твитах Трампа нет. И все мы давно знаем, кто такой Трамп. Но, с другой стороны, какую дистанцию мы прошли всего за несколько лет, дойдя до точки, когда президент США публично говорит американским гражданам (членам Конгресса!) отправляться в страны, из которых они прибыли.
It’s just illegal immigrants he talks about, and also the secret foreigner president, the US judge loyal to Mexico, people from s-hole countries, refugees who are snakes, Muslim Americans in NJ and CA, Somalis in Minnesota, and members of Congress who may or may not be born here.
Justin Amash:
To tell these American citizens (most of whom were born here) to “go back” to the “crime infested places from which they came” is racist and disgusting.Amash -- что-то фамилия какая-то подозрительная... А, да, у него ведь отец из Палестины, а мать из Сирии. Шах и мат! Пускай с начала в Палестине или Сирии, по выбору, наведет порядок.
David French хорошо описал ингредиенты трамповской тирады:
Take the Judge Curiel moment, mix in “shithole” countries, sprinkle in a few Tucker monologues, and you’ve got this miserable, hateful stew. But the truly depressing part will be the inevitable GOP gaslighting, rationalizations, and minimizations in his defense.GOP, впрочем, некуда деваться:
The fetid bigotry that spills from this corrupt silver spoon is a national disgrace that should provoke outrage and condemnation from party leaders like Mitch McConnell, but it won’t because hate is a matter of conscious branding now and probably electoral necessity for them.Сегодняшние фотографии. Аистенок уже практически такого же размера, как родители.
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