Столкновений псто...

...со всяким разным. Я вот периодически сталкиваюсь с наукой. И иногда эти столкновения болезненно-катастрофичны.
Столкновения один.
Столкновения два.
И вот сегодня опять...
Development of Bioinspired Multimodal Underwater Robot “HERO-BLUE” for Walking, Swimming, and Crawling
This study proposes a novel hybrid underwater robot platform, Hazardous and Extreme environment RObot for Biomimetic multilocomotion-based Underwater Expedition (HERO-BLUE) that integrates swimming and legged motions. HERO-BLUE is equipped with a multimodal fin comprising numerous passive joints that can act as both a swimming fin and a walking limb. This multimodal fin is integrated with a salamander-like spine and soft undulating fin in a single robot system to enable three representative locomotion modes: swimming, walking, and crawling. This article provides details of the hardware configuration of HERO-BLUE, mathematical models for each locomotion mode, motion planning methodology, and control strategies for enabling hybrid motions. For legged motions, a dynamic simulation study was conducted to analyze the ground reaction force. The results verified the effectiveness of the proposed multimodal fin. In water tank experiments, the swimming capability was validated through thrust tests and swimming trials, and the legged motion capability was quantitatively validated in three environments, including gravel, water flow, and slopes. Furthermore, field trials were conducted in real-life scenarios in open seas, lakes, and stream beds. The experimental results show that HERO-BLUE can successively combine swimming and legged motion capability and increase underwater mobility in various challenging underwater environments.
А теперь картинки. И даже подвижные картинки.

Я гляжу на эту прелесть и тихо восхищаюсь. Нет, я понимаю, что исследования, бионика и вот это вот всё. Но почему у меня нет такого бюджета на занятия хернёй? И так же понимаю, что все разговоры о возвращении учёный в Россию бесполезны - им никто не даст денег на занятия хернёй. От них станут требовать результат и результат полезный. И в результате снова будут шарашки. Ибо каждый нормальный учёный очень любит заниматься хернёй и очень не любит вопросов в стиле "Где деньги, Зин?".
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