топ 100 блогов big_blue_heron26.11.2023 Мне тут товарищи, занимающиеся в настоящий момент поиском раборы, показали забавный сайтик. Sparktype. Новый вариант традиционного теста, помогающего разобраться в своих талантах и наклонностях, и сузить список наиболее подходящих специальностей. Этот тест имеет свои собственные "типажи", отличающиеся от обычных. (warning: прежде чем выдать ответ на тест они желают получить имейл, и только после его ввода показывают ответ.)
С одной стороны, мне понравилось, как они точно описали мой типаж, то есть те виды деятельности, заниматься которыми мне доставляет удовольствие и те, от которых удовольствия нет вовсе. С другой, ответа на то, чем же мне заниматься в таком случае, чтобы еще и деньги платили, он не дает.
Первичный типаж у меня согласно этому тесту The Maven (любит изучать новое просто просто потому что) и вторичный - The Essentialist (любит наводить порядок во всем, упорядочивать все и всех), а противоположный - The Nurturer. То есть хочу все знать и всех построить. Только вот я так навскидку не знаю ни одной специальности, где бы платили за изучение рандомных вещей, которые вдруг мне стали интересны... Ведь мне интересны самые разные вещи, а вовсе не те, где платят деньги. Работа тестера в принципе немного совпадает со вторичным типажом, ибо построение процесса, поиск ошибок в продукте и обеспечение их исправления это в общем-то и есть наведение порядка. Но это очень скучная и нудная работа сама по себе, а если еще и продукт весь изучил, то и вовсе не интересно.
Мой типаж
Your Primary Sparketype ®

The Maven
Your Primary Sparketype reveals the essential nature or "driver" of the work you're here to do (whether it's the work you get paid to do, or not). When you do the work of your Primary Sparketype, you come alive with purpose and, fully-expressed in a healthy way, deepen into meaning, flow, connection and joy.
As a Maven, fascination is your call. You latch onto a topic, field or industry and devour everything you can know about it. Staying "surface level" just isn't an option for you. It's no fun. You are driven to learn, to discover, to ferret out information, wisdom, knowledge for no other purpose than the joy of learning and knowing something as fully and deeply as you can.
Your Maven's fascination and yearning to learn might be expressed more generally, as a perpetual curiosity about everything and everyone. Or, it may be more focused on highly-specific topics or fields of interest that evolve over time, often because your ceaseless yearning to learn has largely exhausted what the topic has to offer. So, you find the next area of fascination to move on to.
For Maven's it's not necessarily about what you "do" with your rapidly-accumulating reservoir of wisdom. What you learn may be useful to the others, or not. When it is, you enjoy sharing it. It is a beautiful potential "by-product" that also is essential if you want to turn your Maven-ness into your living. But, when you're really being honest, it's not the essential reason you do it. The fact that it has value to others is more a measuring stick of the depth of your knowledge and ability to fully-express what you've learned than a true expression of your reason for being. Either way, the deeper driver is the quest to learn, to satisfy your perpetual, insatiable fascination.

Your Shadow Sparketype ®

The Essentialist
Remember, your Primary Sparketype (above) represents the essential nature of the work you're here to do. Your core driver of purpose, passion, expression and flow in work and life. Your Shadow Sparketype, on the other hand, is also a big part of you. Some may feel its call nearly as strongly. Your Shadow Sparketype most often reveals the work that you may well enjoy and have developed a high level of skill around, BUT it is also largely taken up in service of doing the work of your Primary Sparketype better.
Your Shadow Sparketype is The Essentialist, which means you are driven by, and find a deep sense of satisfaction in the pursuit of simplifying and creating order. But, for you, when you're really being honest, that drive is almost always in service of doing the work of your Primary Sparketype at the higher possible level. It's more a means than an end.
If you're interested, you can see a much fuller description of your Shadow Sparketype, along with a ton more highly-detailed information tailored to your unique Sparketype in the Sparketype Mastery Guide (more below).

Your Anti Sparketype ®

The Nurturer
Your Anti Sparketype is the third element of your Sparketype Profile. This is the type of effort or work that comes least easily to you, is the heaviest lift, feels like it takes the most effort even if, objectively, it’s not that hard, and requires the greatest amount of recovery for you.
You may well have to do the work of your Anti Sparketype as part of your job or life, or you may be able to delegate it. And, you may even develop skills around it and get good and accomplished at it. That can help you feel more ease around it. You may also reframe it as simply a necessary part of doing the work that fills you and accept it as such. These shifts may make it feel a bit easier or like it’s less of a drain, but, at the end of the day, it will almost always be more on the emptying/mandatory side of the work spectrum than the joyful/Sparking side. And will likely still take more than it gives and require more effort and recovery than the work of your Primary or Shadow.
The Nurturer impulse is all about coming from a place of empathy, giving care, elevating, and lifting others up. When this appears as your Anti Sparketype, that often means that you’ll commit to the process on a level that is “demanded” in order to do something else (usually the work of your Primary/Shadow), but doing work of the Nurturer is your least strong impulse, it’s more emptying than filling. The sooner you can “do what you need to,” then be off to the work of your Primary/Shadow, the better. As noted above, that doesn’t mean this work is not important, it just means, the same way the work of your Primary/Shadow tends to call and fill you, the work of your Anti Sparketype tends to repel and empty you.

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