шортить евру

топ 100 блогов uzhas_sovka14.09.2012 Читаю комменты тут


ржу не могу.

Люди видимо не слышали, что президент Обама еще года полтора назад
объявил национальную инициативу по роботам.

Да, есть этот Манхеттенский проект, в реале.
Причем, без вариантов, эта индустрия в будущем
полностью доминируется промышленностью
штатов НАВСЕГДА.

Как айфон доминирует все остальные мобильные средства связи, тоже без вариантов,
только с еще большим отрывом от ближайших конкурентов.

Читаем, общедоступные документы к слову

к 2019 году

Energy and Power Systems

Harvesting. Develop a 10 kg mobile robot capable of fully autonomous recharging and power
management outdoors (> 25% duty cycle). Develop a 1 gram UAV capable of operation at a 5%
duty cycle while harvesting in an indoor/office environment.

Efficiency. Improve the legged locomotion system to equal power to biological model.

Education and Training

Each public secondary school in the U.S. has a robotics program available after school,
every 4-yr college and university offers concentrations in
robotics to augment many Bachelors, Masters, and PhD degrees.

Automated Understanding of Human Behavior

robots should be able to automatically classify human behavior from lightly
instrumented users (light-weight sensors), in less structured settings (e.g., doctor’s offices
and homes with less-known structure), visualize those data for the user and the health care
provider, and classify the activity into proscribed exercises and other activities for assessment
performance. On-line modeling techniques should be able to classify observed activity and
predict user performance and upcoming actions with reasonable levels of accuracy.

Automated Understanding of Emotional and Physiological State

off-the-shelf wireless physiologic sensing devices should inter-operate with
computer- and robot-based coaching systems that can use the data to develop and apply user
models in real-time to facilitate bio-feedback and other forms of feedback to the user and
classification of user physiologic and emotional state for facilitating sophisticated human-robot
and more generally human-machine interaction.

Safe Robot Behavior

affordable prototypes for in-clinic and in-home robot systems for extensive
evaluation with heterogeneous users (health care providers, family, patient). Collect longitudinal
data on safety and usability.

Skill Acquisition

The robot continuously acquires new skills and improves the effectiveness of known skills. It
can acquire skill-independent knowledge that permits the transfer of single skills across different tasks
and different situations and the transfer of skills to novel tasks. The robot is able to identify patterns of
generalization for the parameterization of single skills and across skills

Nano and Micro Technology

Artificial bacteria-like robots powered from external fields

Sub-cm untethered devices capable of all-terrain mobility, and working in coordinated swarms
for tasks such as disaster search and rescue.

Instrumented cell systems, but wireless and embedded in tissue (possibly explants), for
applications also in disease detection.


Improvements in meta-level methods and protocols (middleware) for heterogeneous agents for
task allocation, resource sharing, etc.

General methods and theories encompassing non-traditional communication (biological forms
as opposed to RF).

Communication through the task.

Local collaboration strategies that better deal with poor network connectivity in volatile
environments (all environments).

Incorporation of cognitive radio standards with multi-agent collaboration/cooperation strategies

Expanded use of commercial multimedia standards (video object layer, content keying, etc).

итд итп, там много еще разного, что уже расписано по годам, через пять, десять, пятнадцать
лет, с метриками и раздачей грантов

В штатах если что вошло в бюрократию расписанием, кровь из носу,
а будет сделано, машина не буксует, и средства, и ресурсы - все будет обеспечено с
гарантированным исполнением. Попасть туда тяжело, да, но как только нечто становится
"национальной инициативой" результат будет.

Короче, я евру зашортил по самое не могу.
Никаких перспектив у этой евры.

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