Русские дамы в Дубаи

топ 100 блогов oldfisher_mk05.04.2021 Пока русачки гордятся дидами, Псковскими десантниками, Донецким аэропортом и мостом в Крым, их дочки, жёны и невесты тоже не теряют времени даром...
Из солнечнах Арабских Эмиратов сообщают

"Models detained in Dubai for flouting public decency laws are mainly from Ukraine, it has emerged.

All are understood to be from the ex-Soviet Union including Russia, Belarus and Moldova.

A Russian man was detained and named as an organiser of the 'lewd' shoot on a balcony in the United Arab Emirates has been identified by the Moscow media as Alexey Kontsov, 33, a Russian citizen.

It is understood he told police he was in a nearby apartment and had filmed the spectacle showing the naked women.

He claims to have then made the 'fatal mistake' of sharing the explicit video, a potential crime in the UAE.

He has hired lawyers to call for his release from a Dubai jail.

Russian media outlet Life, a media group controlled by Vladimir Putin's suspected partner and former Olympic gymnast Alina Kabaeva, reported some 40 models were involved in a project which has caused major upset in Dubai.

Fewer were visible on the naked rear picture that sparked fury in the UAE. It could lead to large fines or six months in jail for those who took part.

The shoot on Saturday was on a balcony in the upscale Dubai Marina area and was seen by people from neighbouring skyscrapers.

Some of those taking part in the naked video are understood to be visible in a group picture - captioned 'Little Family' - showing their faces.

Two Ukrainians in their mid-20s — named Yana and Diana, seen riding a camel, on their Instagram accounts - can be identified in the lurid balcony picture from their distinctive tattoos.

Both are on the 'Little Family' picture.

Another Ukrainian model Dariya Khorunzhenko, 19, from Poltava, is known to be among the group in the graphic photograph.

Ukrainian models Ekaterina Kashenko, who is also an eyebrow stylist, and Sophia Tkachuk, are among the group. 

All the identified Ukrainian models had posted videos or images from Dubai on their social media.  

Russian online news outlet Mash reported that the photoshoot also included the daughter of a Russian businessman and former banker.

The woman, 21, denied being at the Dubai shoot on Monday.

All the 40-strong group of women are believed to age from late teens to early 20s."

В солнечном Дубаи 40 молодых Наташ из Московского, Киевского, Кишенёвского и Минского Русского Мира, каждой из которых было около 20 лет, приняли участие в голой фотосессии...
Вот насколько снимков оттуда...
Тут они видимо тренируются гулять 9 мая с дидами на палках по балкону, но пока гуляют без дидов, с дидами они будут гулять когда вернуться в Русский Мир к своим успешным женихам-русачкам...

Русские дамы в Дубаи In this picture, at least 19 women can be seen preparing for the naked shoot, which was reportedly for an Israeli porn site Русские дамы в Дубаи The second image shows nine nude women standing on a balcony in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, one clothed woman is pictured sitting inside on a sofa

Русские дамы в Дубаи Some of the girls who took part in the naked balcony photoshoot were pictured together enjoying their time in Dubai

Это фотограф 33-летний Алексей Концов...

Русские дамы в Дубаи Russian Alexey Konstov, 33, was detained and named as an organiser of the shoot on a balcony in the United Arab Emirates. He claims he has nothing to do with the stunt

Большинство этих Наташ из Дубаи были идентифицированны по их страничкам в Инстаграме...

Вот тут Наташи гордятся Донецким аэропортом...

Русские дамы в Дубаи Two of the models who took part in the naked balcony shoot posted pictures of themselves in Dubai, including a location stamp for a beach in the Emirati city Русские дамы в Дубаи Yana has a big tattoo of flowers on her left leg and had recently posted a picture of herself showing off the ink in a bikini in Dubai

А здесь они гордятся киборгами...

Русские дамы в Дубаи The mid-20s Ukrainian sports a curved knife and a flower high on her right thigh, making her recognisable in the balcony pictures Русские дамы в Дубаи Ukrainian Sophia Tkachuk was another of the models identified as taking part in the naked balcony photoshoot

Тут вспоминают про мост в Крым...

Русские дамы в Дубаи Yana was initially identified because she featured in an image, dubbed the 'Little Family' picture, where the girls all show their faces Русские дамы в Дубаи Diana was also identified from the 'Little Family' picture where the girls all showed their faces, unliked in other images

Русские дамы в Дубаи Diana's large thigh tattoo make her easily recognisable from images taken on the Dubai marina balcony, she is believed to have been arrested along with several other women Русские дамы в Дубаи Another Ukrainian model, Diana, was also identified from the balcony images because of two recognisable tattoos

Ну а здесь однозначно повторяют про себя, что могут повторить...

Русские дамы в Дубаи The model was identified after she was tagged in several pictures on Instagram by fellow Ukrainian models Yana and Diana Русские дамы в Дубаи

А здесь они гордятся Псковскими десантниками...

Русские дамы в Дубаи The Ukrainian beauty also sports several tattoos of leaves and a large crescent moon on her chest and neck Русские дамы в Дубаи

Наташа с грустью вспоминает про своего любимого боевитого русачка-жениха, который ждёт её в Киеве, в Минске или в Москве...

Русские дамы в Дубаи

Пока боевитые русачки готовятся сражаться этим летом за воду в Крым с жидобендеровцами и киборгами, дочки и невесты этих русачков вместе с дочками и невестами киборгов вместе дружно зависают с арабами, их только в Дубаи десятки тысяч постоянно находится, все модельной внешности от 15 до 25 лет...
И у русских дам не возникает там споров чей Крым или чей Донецкий аэропорт, они там спорят только чей чёткий Ахмет и чей дерзкий Саид...
А вы все, русачки, дебилы, блядь, как метко назвал вас министр иностранных дел Русского Мира армян Лавров...

P.S. А вот по ссылке чумовое видео с этими Наташами из Дубаи

Я, конечно, понимаю, что сейчас у русачков затрещат пуканы типа на фото и на видео все страшные крокодилы, не то что их любимые РСПешки за сорокан...

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