Рекорд дня

топ 100 блогов coverciano04.01.2011 The Georgia Gwizzlies got lost on the way to the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena, delaying the start of Sunday night's ABA game by one hour. Once they made it to the arena, the Gwizzlies seemed lost on the court as well.
The Giants dominated Georgia, 205-102, breaking their own record for points in a game set earlier this season.
"We have a very gifted offensive team. We're capable of having this kind of game any night," Jacksonville coach Kevin Waters said.
The Giants (7-0) trailed only once in the game, when Georgia hit a 3-pointer off the opening tip.
Jacksonville's full-court press and fast-paced offense led to a 47-31 lead at the end of the first quarter.
The Giants kept the pressure on the Gwizzlies, and with every turnover, Jacksonville responded with a fast break and an easy basket. Jacksonville went on a 12-0 run midway through the second to open up a 68-33 lead, and by halftime led 94-46.
"We have a lot guys play up on the full-court pressure, and they did a great job getting in there and creating some havoc," said Waters.
Georgia (0-7) struggled all night from the field, shooting only 41.6 percent, including a paltry 6 for 23 in the second quarter. While the Gwizzlies had trouble finding the basket, the Giants shot 64 percent and 67 percent from the free-throw line.
Edward Horton led the Giants with 35 points on 14 of 17 shooting and 5 of 7 free throws. "I played horrible last game, so I had to come out and play aggressive," said Horton
Jacksonville plays their first road game Tuesday night in Gainesville against the Florida Makos.
"Tuesday is going to be a unique opportunity for us; we're looking forward to the challenge. We know that we're going to be tested," Waters said.


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