Развитие интернета - фантастические видео

Это тайм-лапс развития интернета за 25 лет взрывного развития интернета
Разным регионам соответствуют цвета: Сев. Америка (синий), Европа- зеленый, Латинская Америка (фиолетовый), Азия (Тихий Океан) - красный, Африка - оранжевый, и белый - главная основа (backbone) интернета.
Разным The colors map to regions: North America (blue), Europe (green), Latin America (purple), Asia Pacific (red), Africa (orange), and the internet backbone (white). The lines connect nodes; and the starbursts are internet providers for public, private, and government networks (think AT&T or Comcast or the military). The middle is the most highly connected region, and the periphery the least.
And now, he us back with a new map, also based on BGPs from the University of Oregon Route Views project . Only this time, he’s pieced together a roughly 25-year time-lapse of the internet’s explosive growth.
This Wild Video Maps the Entire Internet and Its Evolution Since 1997 (singularityhub.com)
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