Разные тонкости о словах Who, Which и That – Часть 2
brejestovski — 23.12.2016После первой части мне пришло сразу несколько писем, суть которых следующая:
Только что было сказано, что which нельзя сказать о людях,
А как быть с такими фразами:
WHICH of them is your wife? - Которая из них - твоя жена?
I am trying to understand WHICH translator speaks better English. - Я пытаюсь понять, какой переводчик лучше говорит по-английски.
Здесь же слово WHICH говорится именно о людях! И более того, WHO в этих ситуациях сказать нельзя!
Дело вот в чем.
Which можно и НУЖНО говорить о людях, когда мы говорим не просто "который", а "КОТОРЫЙ ИЗ".
В примерах выше слово which значит "который ИЗ" - то есть когда мы выбираем из нескольких людей.
Когда мы говорим "тетя, которая живет в Перу, любит оливки", мы не можем сказать "которая ИЗ". следовательно, нужно только who: The aunt who lives in Peru likes olives.
А вот когда мы говорим, глядя на фотографию четырех теть: "Скажи, которая тетя живет в Перу?", то мы имеем в виду "КОТОРАЯ ИЗ теть". Следовательно, здесь нужно слово which: Tell me, WHICH aunt (или “which of your aunts”) lives in Peru?
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Еще можно понять разницу и другим способом. Когда "который" можно заменить на "какой", то слово which употреблять можно и нужно.
“Скажи, КОТОРАЯ тетя живет в Перу?” - это то же самое, что “Скажи, КАКАЯ тетя живет в Перу?”. Значит, нужно “Tell me, which aunt lives in Peru?”
А вот когда “которая” нельзя заменить на “какая”, то мы говорим только who (но не which):
Тетя, КОТОРАЯ любит оливки, переехала в Гондурас. - The aunt WHO loves olives has moved to Honduras.
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Давайте сделаем маленькое упражнение.
В предложениях ниже
1) поставьте запятые, если они нужны, и
2) поставьте WHO, WHICH или THAT. Иногда возможно два варианта (см. вчерашнюю рассылку).
1 People ________________ smile a lot tend to be more popular than people who don’t.
2 Jeremy Clarkson ________________ is a famous TV host was once kicked out of a plane by an airport worker ________________hated him.
3 (Film director to his assistant) I don’t know ________________ actress to choose – they are all so great!
4 The phone ________________ Paula gave Stan for his birthday is already broken.
5 (Police officer to a woman) ________________ driver took you home last night? – I’m not sure, Inspector, but think it’s the man ________________is wearing a green jacket.
6 Charles Dickens ________________ wrote 15 great novels had a very difficult relationship with his wife Catherine ________________ was the mother of his ten children.
7 Surprisingly, drivers ________________ wear glasses have fewer accidents than drivers who don’t.
8 Look at these dancers! ________________ of them is your favourite?
9 (Waiter in a restaurant on a tropical island) Sorry, but at dinner time we only let in gentlemen______________ are wearing trousers. No shorts.
Ключи к упражнению - ниже.
До скорой встречи!
Anton Brejestovski
1 People who / that smile a lot tend to be more popular than people who don’t. (no commas)
2 Jeremy Clarkson, who is a famous TV host, (commas needed) was once kicked out of a plane by an airport worker who / that hated him. (no comma)
3 (Film director to his assistant) I don’t know which actress to choose – they are all so great! (no comma)
4 The phone which / that Paula gave Stan for his birthday is already broken. (no commas)
5 (Police officer to a woman) Which driver took you home last night? – I’m not sure, Inspector, but think it’s the man who / that is wearing a green jacket. (no comma)
6 Charles Dickens, who wrote 15 great novels, had a very difficult relationship with his wife Catherine, who was the mother of his ten children. (commas needed in both cases)
7 Surprisingly, drivers who / that wear glasses have fewer accidents than drivers who don’t. (no commas)
8 Look at these dancers! Which of them is your favourite?
9 (Waiter in a restaurant on a tropical island) Sorry, but at dinner time we only let in gentlemen who / that are wearing trousers. No shorts. (no commas)