Рановато, вроде вторжение инопланетян обещали летом

50 полицейских машин и вертолёты, якобы пришельцы разгуливают по улице, люди напуганы. В итоге, позже объявили, что драка в клубе между молодёжью. В комментариях говорят, что видео зачищают. Есть видео с тенью, но очень плохое качество. А вот видео драки нетути.
один из комментов:
The length of a police cruiser is approximately 16 feet. At 0:53 you can see the creature walking and are able to notice its height, comparative to both a police cruisers length, and the height of the human police officer walking below parallel with the creature. Just from observation here against these other two, this means the creature is a minimum of 11-12 feet tall. The creature based on the way its walking does not appear to be two people (one on top of the other). Next, compare the color of the creatures head and limbs to the police cruiser for example, which shows that this creature has either chalk white skin, or a white uniform covering both its head and limbs, with a dark blue covering of some kind over the top half of its torso. If this white color is indeed the creatures bare skin, then this description would match up with the Tall White aliens that have been disclosed by Charles Hall and many whistleblowers from Unacknowledged Special Access Projects for many years. Thinking we humans are alone in the universe is the equivalent of waking up on a desert island with no memory, and assuming you are the only person in the world simply because you are alone and all can see is water in every direction. The important thing to remember when watching these encounters is that none of these creatures or UFO's are ever hostile or aggressive. This creature is not provoking or attacking anyone, and never in any UFO clips or these kinds of alien sightings do we see any of these creatures acting hostile or meaning our species harm.
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