психометрический метод

топ 100 блогов lobastova20.07.2014 В дружественном журнале зашел спор можно ли на экзамене, пользуясь здоровой логикой и психометрическим методом (два похожих ответа = один из них верный, два противоположных ответа = один из них верный, два одинаковых ответа = оба неверны и т.п.) отгадать 50% ответов. Вопросы multiple choice.
Зависит конечно же от того какой экзамен и по какому предмету... Но вот я приведу самые настоящие вопросы из старого экзамена по психологии. Попробуйте ответить на них не пользуясь гуглом.
Проверим можно ли при помощи здоровой логики, не готовясь и не учась найти правильные ответ.

Вопросы под катом

1) According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), the category of mood disorders includes (choose the best answer)
a) Bipolar disorder but not major depression
b) Bipolar disorder and major depression
c) Major depression and dementia
d) Bipolar disorder, major depression, and schizophrenia

Which of the following symptoms is associated with episodes of major depression? (choose the best answer)
a) Tremor
b) Anhedonia
c) Euphoria
d) Hypersexuality

Genetic studies of major depression show that it (choose the best answer)
a) Is more common among first-order biological relatives of a patient
b) Has a higher heritability than Bipolar I
c) More concordant in monozygotic twins than Bipolar I
d) Is equally common among first-order biological relatives and the general population

Which of the following tests is used in animal models to test drugs for antidepressant activity? (choose the best answer)
a) Amphetamine-induced hyperactivity
b) Learned helplessness
c) Self-administration
d) Conditioned place preference

The hypothesis of heterozygote advantage suggests that a modest genetic predisposition towards which of the following disorders confers a selective advantage? (choose the best answer)
a) Unipolar depressive disorder
b) Alzheimer’s disease
c) Bipolar disorder
d) Schizophrenia

Bipolar disorders differ from unipolar mood disorders because they (choose the best answer)
a) Have no genetic component
b) Are caused by mutations of a single gene
c) Do not increase the risk of suicide
d) Involve episodes of mood elevation and depression

Which of the following drugs is approved for the treatment of bipolar disorder? (choose the best answer)
a) Ketamine
b) Amphetamines
c) Lithium
d) Nicotine

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is approved for (choose the best answer)
a) Parkinson’s disease
b) Alzheimer’s disease
c) Depression
d) Schizophrenia

The positive symptoms of schizophrenia include (choose the best answer)
a) Posturing
b) Delusions and hallucinations
c) Decreased affect (emotional expression)
d) Cognitive deficits

Identical twin studies with schizophrenic patients show that schizophrenia (choose the best answer)
a) Is not associated with gross neuroanatomical abnormalities
b) Increases cerebral ventricle volume
c) Increases cortical gray matter
d) Causes extensive neuronal death

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