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southwest — 28.08.2024 Title: The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental IllnessAuthor: Jonathan Haidt
Читаю увлекательную книжку про то что новое поколение, выросшее в эру смартфонов, ментально довольно сильно отличается от предыдущих. В частности, в психическом плане они заметно более нестойки и уязвимы, чем те люди, которые провели детство реально общаясь и играя со сверстниками в свободное от
Children born in the late 1990s were the first generation in history who
went through puberty in the virtual world. It’s as though we sent Gen Z to
grow up on Mars when we gave them smartphones in the early 2010s, in the
largest uncontrolled experiment humanity has ever performed on its own
Between 2010 and 2015, the social lives of American teens moved
largely onto smartphones with continuous access to social media,
online video games, and other internet-based activities. This Great
Rewiring of Childhood, I argue, is the single largest reason for the
tidal wave of adolescent mental illness that began in the early 2010s.
The first generation of Americans who went through puberty with
smartphones (and the entire internet) in their hands became more
anxious, depressed, self-harming, and suicidal. We now call that
generation Gen Z, in contrast to the millennial generation, which had
largely finished puberty when the Great Rewiring began in 2010.
The tidal wave of anxiety, depression, and self-harm hit girls harder
than boys, and it hit preteen girls hardest of all.
The mental health crisis has also hit boys. Their rates of depression
and anxiety have also increased a lot, although usually not by as much
as for girls. Boys’ technology use and mental health difficulties are
somewhat different from those of girls, as I’ll show in chapter 7.
Suicide rates in the United States began rising around 2008 for
adolescent boys and girls; they rose much higher in the 2010s.
The increase in suffering was not limited to the United States. The
same pattern is seen at roughly the same time among teens in the
U.K., Canada, and other major Anglosphere countries, and also in the
five Nordic nations. Feelings of alienation in school rose after 2012
across the Western world.
No other theory has been able to explain why rates of anxiety and
depression surged among adolescents in so many countries at the
same time and in the same way.
Короче, очень рекомендую эту книжку, особенно тем, у кого дети залипают в телефон.
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