Пирог из груши и имбиря

топ 100 блогов velvetelle — 08.04.2024 Рецепт Nigel Slater, очень известного автора кулинарной колонки в Guardian. И у него 10-20 популярных кулинарных книг. Мне из его рецептов зашел только один - очень вкусный салат из брюссельской капусты, груши и горгонзолы. Он ни разу не пекарь, но сегодня мы испекли его пирог (Найджел говорит, что это его любимый)- нам очень понравился. Пока в лучшей тройке (из пяти пирогов:)).

Я заменила golden syrup (мне кажется, в Вене и Москве не продается) на мед (надо брать 75 процентов от объема сиропа, и компенсировать более высокую кислотность ложкой соды). И мы не делали icing из сах пудры, а подали со сметанным кремом.

Рецепт во второй половине статьи. Фото из статьи.


Пирог из груши и имбиря


Serves 9
For the pears
pears 500g
butter 30g
agave or golden syrup 1 tbsp

For the cake
self-raising flour 250g
ground ginger 2 level tsp
mixed spice ½ tsp
ground cinnamon ½ tsp
bicarbonate of soda 1 tsp
salt a pinch
agave or golden syrup 200ml
butter 125g
dark muscovado 125g
eggs 2 large
milk 240ml

For the icing
icing sugar 250g
lemon juice 3 tbsp
preserved ginger in syrup 3 knobs
crystilised roses 9
poppy seeds 1 tbsp

You will need a square cake tin measuring approximately 22cm

Peel, halve and core the pears, then cut them into 2cm dice. Warm the butter in a shallow, non-stick pan, then add the pears and leave to cook for 10 minutes over a low to moderate heat, until they are pale gold and translucent. Towards the end of their cooking time, add the spoonful of agave or golden syrup. Remove from the heat and set aside.

Line the base and sides of the cake tin with baking parchment.

Set the oven at 180C/gas mark 4.

Sift the flour with the ground ginger, mixed spice, cinnamon, bicarbonate of soda and salt. Pour the syrup into a small saucepan, add the butter and the muscovado and warm over a moderate heat until the butter has melted. When the mixture has simmered for a minute remove from the heat.

Break the eggs into a bowl, add the milk and beat lightly to combine. Pour the butter and syrup mixture into the flour and spices and stir gently until no flour is visible. Mix in the milk and eggs. Fold in the cooked pears and scrape the mixture into the lined cake tin. The pears should sink to the bottom. Slide the cake into the oven and bake for about 35-40 minutes, until it is lightly puffed and spongy to the touch. Leave to cool in the tin.

To make the icing, put the icing sugar into a bowl, then beat in the lemon juice, either with a fork or using a small hand whisk. Take it steady, only using enough to make an icing thick enough that it takes a while to fall from the spoon.

Remove the cake from its tin and peel back the parchment. Trickle the icing over the cake, letting a little run down the sides. When the icing is almost set, add slices of crystallised ginger and the sugared roses and scatter lightly with poppy seeds.

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