О том, как скрываются никому ненужные и неинтересные детали патчноута

топ 100 блогов thunder_games27.09.2016 Этот дев изначально отличился тем, что в патчноуте нет списка изменений ФМ самолетов, хотя они присутствуют как заявил т.Кеофокс. Но да ладно, переживем.
Шла пятая итерация дев-сервера а новых изменений, судя по патчноуте не было. Откроем сом-форум и ужаснемся:

Aircraft armament changes:

• Wyvern S.4 - Bomb drop for the 3 x 1000lb has been corrected.

Aircraft model changes:

• Ki-49 (all variants) Machine guns models have been fixed.

• La-5 (all variants) - Fixed the shape and thickness of the pilot's headrest armour.

• Lа-7 (all variants) - Fixed the shape and thickness of the pilot's headrest armour.

• Lа-9 - Fixed the shape and thickness of the pilot's headrest armour.

• F3F-2 - Damage Model has been updated.

• A-26C-45 - Displayed armour has been fixed.

• XP-55 - Displayed armour has been fixed.

• Me 410 (all variants) - Displayed armour has been fixed.

• Do 17 Z-7 - Displayed armour has been fixed

• Ki-49 (all variants) - Displayed armour has been fixed

• PBJ-1H - Displayed armour has been fixed

• PBJ-1J - Displayed armour has been fixed

• F9F-2 - Displayed armour has been fixed

• P-400 - Displayed armour has been fixed.

• P-39K-1 - Displayed armour has been fixed

• Р-39N-0 - Displayed armour has been fixed

• Р-39Q-5 - Displayed armour has been fixed
• He 111 H-16 - Displayed armour has been fixed

• B-25 (all variants) - Displayed armour has been fixed

• B-17 (all variants) - Displayed armour has been fixed

• Bf- 109 G-6, G-10, G-14, K-4 - Fixed the damage model of internal modules.

• J2M (all variants) - Corrected the specification of the thickness of bulletproof glass.

• B-29 - Added the fuel tank in the center section. Changed the damage model for the deflecting surface.

• Changed the damage model for the deflecting surface.
• Fixed the animation of ailerons and flaps on some aircraft.

• Fixed the location of leaks, smoke and fire of engines in a number of multi-engine aircraft.

• Added smoke that occurs when the engine is damaged or faulty.


• View and zoom controls can be configured separately for different unit types.

• Control settings properly apply when device configuration is changed.

Economy and research

• Flakpanzer I, ZSU-57-2 - Spawn point requirement in RB has been increased.

• P-47N-15 - The cost of purchasing the aircraft has changed from 190000 to 230000 lions. Changed the number of research points required to research the aircraft from 50,000 to 70,000 RP. Crew training price changed from 55000 to 65000. Repair cost has also been changed.

• P-38L - The cost of purchasing the aircraft has changed from 310000 to 190000 lions. Changed the number of research points required for the research aircraft from 85,000 to 50,000 RP. Crew training price changed from 90000 to 55000. Repair cost has also been changed.

• P-38J - The cost of purchasing the aircraft has changed from 300,000 to 190,000 lions.
• Changed the number of research points required to research the aircraft from 80,000 to 50,000. Crew training price changed from 87000 to 55000. Repair cost has also been changed.

• Ki-84 Ko - “Jungle” Camouflage has been removed from sale.

• Ki-49-1 - Added 20mm gun turret modification research..

• SM.79 1936 - Removed engine injection modification.

• I-153 M-62, I-153 M-62 Zhukovsky - Removed bomb load option 2x100 kg. according to "Airplane-153 with an engine M-62. Technical description. Book 1. Oborongiz - TsAGI, Moscow 1940 ".


• In all “Operation” type aircraft missions, the spawn mechanism of light units closer to mission end has been changed. Early in the game, all vehicles will spawn on any one of the available zones and destroying one vehicle will result in a score reduction. Now light vehicles spawn in three different zones and for each vehicle group there is a separate available task. Destroying units in the groups will not reduce the mission scores. Destroying all of the vehicles in the group will complete the task and cause a reduction in mission scores for the enemy team. Completing all three tasks will cause the scores to be reduced by 30% at a maximum.
• The amount of the score reduction may be adjusted in the future based on player feedback.
• Fixed a bug related to the inability to destroy air defense guns on the ground ("Tunisia", "Mountain valley" and some others).


• Streaming high-resolution textures

Test Flight Changes:

• Test flight for deck propeller aircraft will now start from the aircraft carrier.

The current provided update notes reflect the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates and fixes may be not listed in the provided notes.
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Дорогая Улиточка в лице Кеоняши, что случилось? Почему на сом-форуме не поленились и запостили список багфиксов и мелких изменений? Контентом вроде мы насыщены, а сообщением о том, что пофикшено овер9к багов - нет. Пожалуйста, публикуйте такие изменения, это действительно важно и интересно тем, кто играет не только в прокачку.

О том, как скрываются никому ненужные и неинтересные детали патчноута
О том, как скрываются никому ненужные и неинтересные детали патчноута

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