О порнографии

Сразу скажу, что я не уверен, насколько научным является приведенный анализ. Более того, в интервью данные даже толком не приводятся, наверное, в самой книжке больше данных и, возможно, есть описание метода сбора информации, который представляется мне особенно непонятным. Тем не менее, интересное интервью.
Некоторые тезисы:
Among other things, Stephens-Davidowitz’s data suggests that there are more gay men in the closet than we think; that many men prefer overweight women to skinny women but are afraid to act on it; that married women are disproportionately worried their husband is gay; that a lot of straight women watch lesbian porn; and that porn featuring violence against women is more popular among women than men.Я отдельно приведу отрывки из интервью показавшиеся мне наиболее интересными.
Sean Illing: You combed through the data — what did it say about us?Про gay men:
Seth Stephens-Davidowitz: There’s a lot of variation in what people like. Probably 30 percent of people exclusively watch stuff that you would find disgusting.
Seth Stephens-Davidowitz: It’s clear that a lot of gay men remain in the closet. In places where it's hard to be gay, such as Mississippi, far fewer men say that they are gay than in places where it's easy to be gay, such as New York. But gay porn searches are about the same everywhere. [...] I look at the data a whole bunch of ways and conclude about 5 percent of men are predominantly attracted to men.О женах и мужьях. Довольно смешно, по-моему.
Sean Illing: Let’s talk about what married people are up to online.Good point, по-моему.
Seth Stephens-Davidowitz: The number one question that women have about their husbands is whether he is gay. And these questions are much higher in the Deep South, where my research suggests there are indeed more gay men married to women. [...]
Sean Illing: What are husbands secretly worrying about?
Seth Stephens-Davidowitz: Whether their wives are crazy.
Seth Stephens-Davidowitz: I think women are too obsessed with their husbands' sexuality. Women are eight times more likely to ask Google if their husband is gay than if he is an alcoholic and 10 times more likely to ask Google if their husband is gay than if he is depressed. It is far more likely that a woman is married to a man who is secretly an alcoholic or secretly depressed than secretly gay. About 98 percent of women’s husbands are really straight. Trust me.Жемщины и lesbian porn:
Seth Stephens-Davidowitz: About 20 percent of the porn women watch is lesbian porn. A lot of straight women watch lesbian porn.Женщины и насилие в отношении женщин:
Sean Illing: That’s not very surprising.
Seth Stephens-Davidowitz: Porn featuring violence against women is also extremely popular among women. It is far more popular among women than men. I hate saying that because misogynists seem to love this fact. Fantasy life isn't always politically correct.Про being in the closet. Вот этот момент мне показался наиболее интересным, хотя и совсем не удивительным:
The rate at which women watch violent porn is roughly the same in every part of the world. It isn’t correlated with how women are treated.
Seth Stephens-Davidowitz: If you define being in the closet as picking partners based on what society wants rather than what you want, many people are in the closet. For example, I am certain a large number of men are more attracted to overweight women than skinny women but try to date skinny women to impress their friends and family members.Про Индию:
Porn featuring overweight women is surprisingly common among men. But the data from dating sites tells us that just about all men try to date skinny women. Many people don’t try to date the people they’re most attracted to. They try to date the people they think would impress their friends.
Sean Illing: That says something truly awful about our cultural pathologies. People should be free to like whatever they want, but the pressures to conform are overwhelming — and ultimately unhealthy.
Seth Stephens-Davidowitz: It’s also inefficient. There are a lot of single men and single overweight women who would be sexually compatible. But they don’t date, while the man tries and fails to date a skinny woman even though he’s less attracted to her. And then there are women who practically starve themselves to remain skinny so their husbands won’t leave, even though their husbands would be more attracted to them if they weighed more. The desire to impress people causes all kinds of inefficiency.
Seth Stephens-Davidowitz: The number one Google search in India that starts "my husband wants ..." is "my husband wants me to breastfeed him." Porn featuring adult breastfeeding is higher in India than anywhere else. In just about every country, just about every Google search looking for advice on breastfeeding is looking how to breastfeed a baby. In India, Google searches looking for breastfeeding advice are about equally split between how to breastfeed a baby and how to breastfeed a husband.
After I published this finding, some journalists interviewed people in India. Everyone denied this. But I am sure, based on the data, that there are a reasonable number of adult Indian men desiring to be breastfed. It is really amazing that this desire can develop in one country without ever being openly talked about.
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