О женщинах и мужчинах. Про "Ashley Madison".

топ 100 блогов yakov_a_jerkov28.08.2015 Всего неделю назад я клеймил тех, кто анализирует украденные данные клиентов "Ashley Madison", а сегодня сам популяризирую результаты этого анализа.

В общем, пишут, что женщин на "Ashley Madison" практически вообще не было. Практически ноль! Ну, примерно количество живых женщин -- один процент от количества живых мужчин на сайте.

The most hilarious revelation about the Ashley Madison hack yet:
Was Ashley Madison a website full of married guys who spent their time trying to hook up with bots and/or other guys whom they thought were women? Gizmodo has taken a look at some of the leaked data about the website and has found that the reality is it’s “like a science fictional future where every woman on Earth is dead, and some Dilbert-like engineer has replaced them with badly-designed robots.”

Gizmodo took a look at female profiles on the site and discovered that most of them were never used at all after they were created. In fact, the site estimates that roughly 12,000 of the 5.5 million registered female accounts are actually used by women on a regular basis. Gizmodo used a lot of smart detective work to come up with this estimate, including looking at IP addresses that created a suspiciously large number of women’s profiles.

But here’s the really amazing thing: When Gizmodo went to see how many Ashley Madison users checked messages they’d received from other users, the website found a hilarious disparity that showed the ratio of men checking messages to women checking messages was 13,585 : 1. Seriously.

“Overall, the picture is grim indeed. Out of 5.5 million female accounts, roughly zero percent had ever shown any kind of activity at all, after the day they were created,” Gizmodo writes. “The men’s accounts tell a story of lively engagement with the site, with over 20 million men hopefully looking at their inboxes, and over 10 million of them initiating chats. The women’s accounts show so little activity that they might as well not be there.”

Check out the whole analysis by clicking here.
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