Нужно ли работать для получения Медикейда

Prior to the Trump Administration, no states had received waiver approvals to condition Medicaid coverage on work and reporting requirements, and legislative attempts to incorporate work requirements into Medicaid statute failed. Policy arguments for and against Medicaid work requirements are grounded in views about whether Medicaid is akin to a public assistance program, like Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), or one that provides health insurance, in line with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) expansion of the program as one of several routes to increasing access to affordable health care for uninsured Americans. Adults who receive TANF cash assistance generally are required to participate in work, as one of the express purposes of TANF enumerated in statute is to “end the dependence of needy parents on government benefits by promoting job preparation, work, and marriage.” In contrast, Congress has not identified work as an objective for the Medicaid program. The ACA aimed to make Medicaid available to low-income adults through its Medicaid expansion, regardless of whether a person also met categorical eligibility requirements such as being pregnant, a parent, senior, or person with a disability.
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The Trump Administration aimed to reshape the Medicaid program by newly approving Section 1115 demonstration waivers that imposed work and reporting requirements as a condition of Medicaid eligibility. However, courts struck down many of these approvals and the Supreme Court recently dismissed pending challenges in these cases.
Подведу итог. Получение медицинской страховки для малоимущих НЕ ТРЕБУЕТ от получателя наличия оплачиваемой или неоплачиваемой работы. Трамп попытался ввести такое требование и это его начинание было отменено судами, включая Верховный Суд и не привело к изменению практики.
Вывод: Кремлевский Курант - какло, которое не умеет читать по-английски или не умеет пользоваться гуглом. При этом позиционирует себ знатоком американской жизни, не имея представления как живет Америка, чего хотят американцы и кого они поддерживают.
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