Ну чо, как я и предсказывал

Распиздяйство до добра не доводит.
Our DHB is taking immediate steps to manage any potential risk to
patients and staff after three staff members at Waitakere Hospital
tested positive for COVID-19. The staff had worked on a ward where
COVID-positive patients from St Margaret’s Hospital and Rest Home
were transferred due to staffing shortages at that facility. It is
unclear, at this stage, whether contact with those patients was the
source of the staff contracting COVID-19 or whether any of the
cases are linked. Full personal protective equipment was made
available and worn by staff at all times in the affected area.
Contact-tracing of staff and patients is underway to identify close
and casual contacts for follow-up. A number of staff are being
stood-down from work as a precaution and are going into
self-isolation pending test results. We closed the affected areas
at Waitakere Hospital to further admissions and are now considering
any other precautionary measures that need to be taken for any
patients who may have come into contact with the COVID-positive
staff members.
3 медсестры у нас в больничке заразились.Хуже того, одна из них
была подменная, то есть таскалась по всем отделениям, и вполне
спокойно могла это растащить по всему госпиталю .
Весь персонал тестируют.
Немедленно взял отпуск на месяц.
Пошли они все нахуй, распиздяи
Просто чтобы было понятно -вот так они хранят грязное постельное из
под вирусных .На улице, у пожарного входа .
Копайся любой бомж или наркоман.
А возят этот ящик через служебей вход, где ходит медперсонал.

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