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Новости DCS

топ 100 блогов war_tundra13.02.2016 Наткнулся на интервью разрабов ДКС на flightsim.com, за 14 января. Есть пара сенсационных моментов, собираются делать корабли с управлением от первого лица. (улитка и картошка, трепещи! :)) Так же пишут о том, что подобно самолетам от сторонних разработчиков будут выпускатьяя карты от сторонних разработчиков, в 2016 году их будет много. Следующие - Хормузский пролив и Нормандия. И любопытные скриншоты с экипажем авианосца начали появляться.

Did you utilize the expertise of current or former A-10 pilots during the development of the A-10?

Yes, during the development of the A-10C Desk Top Trainer (DTT), we received a lot of active assistance. After we completed the DTT, we then created the entertainment version, in which we were able to use about 90% of the systems we developed for the DTT. There were a few systems they asked us not to include (or be modified) in the entertainment version, which was entirely reasonable.

How many members make up the DCS team and what are their roles?

Between our studios, we have about 70 full-time staff which includes engineers/programmers, artists, researchers, game designers, IT and network engineers, and management.

In addition to our full-time staff, we also sub-contract out certain tasks.

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Do any of the team have real flying experience?

Yes, we have a couple L-39 pilots, one of which also flew the MiG-31. We also have several civilian pilots on the team. My "previous life" work was in combat aviation intelligence.

Matt, what environments are you hoping to cover in the future?

Our first priority is the alpha release of the Nevada Test and Training Range map. After that, there will be the Strait of Hormuz and World War II Normandy maps. Once those are done, we will announce the follow-on maps. We realize that most customers are ready to fly outside the Black Sea region!

As mentioned before though, we also have multiple 3rd party teams working on maps (more to come on those later). As we move into 2016, I see one of the biggest changes coming to DCS World being map modules being a large portion of our product line.

So far DCS has covered aircraft, helicopters and with the Combined Arms mod, land warfare, so with that said, do you have plans to introduce a naval element?

With Combined Arms you already have the ability to have command level control over naval units. At some point in the future however, we hope to add direct, 1st person control to these units.

We do have some big news on this front coming soon...

Our aim is to see DCS World as a true Air-Land-Sea simulation.

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Is there a way for users of DCS to get involved in development?

Currently we have a highly active and successful set of 3rd party developers that include Belsimtek, Leatherneck Simulations, VEAO and AvioDev that have all released aircraft modules for DCS. In the not too distant future, RAZBAM and Polychop Simulations will also be added to this list.

At DCS, we are always happy to discuss projects with qualified 3rd party teams, teams which we feel can meet our quality standards. However, the process is not for the faint hearted as we require teams with exceptionally high qualifications before we can grant a development license.

For those not interested in the massive task of developing an aircraft module, the door is always open to individuals/teams who wish to create content such as campaigns. Interested parties with development experience can contact me at [email protected].

Matt, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to answer these questions for FlightSim.Com.

It certainly looks like there are exciting times ahead for DCS, so from everybody here at FlightSim.com, we wish you and the DCS team every success!

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Еще нашел видео канал с красивыми видео по ДКС.
Одно видео с историей развития симулятора от Flanker 1.0. Лично я начал с Flanker 2.0, поностальгировал.

И про МиГ-21 бодрое.

Новости DCS

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