Маск и Рогозин

Маск так говорил о Роскосмосе. "Бездельники, алкоголики и вымогатели. И хамы. Пьют треплются, ничего не решают и не могут решить. И не хотят. Впустую потраченное время."
Далее рассказ для тех кто знает английский.
...they got word that the Russians wanted to unload some repurposed ICBMs, so Musk and company flew east.
Ressi recounted the “Wild West”-like experience to Esquire in 2012. After paying off some corrupt cops on the road to their meeting, Musk’s rocket-buying team arrived at the Russian rocket negotiations, which entailed a lot of vodka quaffing:
“Then we started having meetings with the Russian space program, which is basically fueled by vodka. We’d all go in this little room and every single person had his own bottle in front of him. They’d toast every two minutes, which means twenty or thirty toasts an hour. ‘To space!’ ‘To America!’ ‘To America in space!’ I finally looked over at Elon and Jim and they were passed out on the table. Then I passed out myself.”
Following this European bender, the Russians visited Musk and Ressi in Los Angeles, where the Russians told them, “We can’t continue unless you give us $5,000 in cash.” Finding five grand on a Saturday is no easy task, but Musk and Ressi borrowed the money from the opulent Mondrian Hotel in West Hollywood.
The third and final meeting happened back in Russia. Musk flew there with Cantrell, prepared to purchase three ICBMs for $21 million. But to Musk’s disappointment, the Russians now claimed that they wanted $21 million for each rocket, and then taunted the future SpaceX founder. As Cantrell recounted to Esquire:
“They said, ‘Oh, little boy, you don’t have the money?”
This insulting event, however, played a part in inspiring Musk to found SpaceX, which in 2017 alone has successfully launched nine rockets into space and has twelve more launches on the docket this year.
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