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Линии фронта Второй Карабахской войны

топ 100 блогов aillarionov03.11.2020 Линии фронта Второй Карабахской войны

Как известно, 27 сентября 2020 г. Азербайджан, поддержанный Турцией, а также сирийскими боевиками, начал полномасштабную войну против Нагорного Карабаха и Армении.

В силу геоморфологии театра военных действий азербайджанское наступление ведется по двум основным направлениям – южном (Лачинско – Шушинском, через Геянскую степь, северную часть долины реки Аракс) и северном (Тертерском – Мардакертском).

Линии фронта Второй Карабахской войны

Основными целями наступления на южном направлении являются Бердзорский (Лачинский) коридор, через который проходит линия снабжения НКР из армянского Гориса в Степанакерт; на северном – долина реки Тертер, правого притока Куры, через который прошла построенная в 2017 г. стратегическая дорога из армянского Вардениса через Ехегнут (Гамышлы), Дадиванк (Хутаванк) и Гетаван в Дрмбон (Хейвалы), а оттуда – в Мардакерт и центральную долину Нагорного Карабаха со столицей Степанакерт.

Линии фронта Второй Карабахской войны
Монастырь Дадиванк, 1214 г.

За месяц с небольшим военных действий азербайджанским войскам удалось занять значительные территории как т.н. пояса безопасности Нагорного Карабаха (Физулинский, Джебраильский, Зангеланский районы полностью, часть Лачинского района де-юре Азербайджана), так и часть территории собственно Нагорно-Карабахской Республики (районы Мартуни, Гадрута, окрестности Шуши).

Линии фронта Второй Карабахской войны

Несмотря на то, что основное внимание наблюдателей в последнее время сосредоточено на битве за Шушу, главными целями действий ВС Азербайджана являются Лачинский коридор и отрезок стратегической дороги в долине реки Тертер от Ехегнут (Гамышлы) до Дрмбон (Хейвалы). Путь азербайджанских войск к Лачину лежит по долине реки Агару (Акари), левому притоку Аракса. Ущелье Тертер с севера отделено от линии фронта хребтом Муровдаг, одна из высот которого (Муров) была объявлена президентом Азербайджана И.Алиевым взятой под контроль его войсками еще 27 сентября.

В случае захвата Лачина и перерезания дороги в ущелье Тертера центральная часть Нагорного Карабаха со всеми его вооруженными силами и гражданским населением окажется отрезанной от Армении.

Изменение линий фронта с 28 сентября по 31 октября можно проследить по следующим картам.

28 сентября
Линии фронта Второй Карабахской войны

4 октября
Линии фронта Второй Карабахской войны

6 октября
Линии фронта Второй Карабахской войны

8 октября
Линии фронта Второй Карабахской войны

12 октября
Линии фронта Второй Карабахской войны

17 октября
Линии фронта Второй Карабахской войны
Линии фронта Второй Карабахской войны

19 октября
Линии фронта Второй Карабахской войны

20 октября
Линии фронта Второй Карабахской войны

22 октября
Линии фронта Второй Карабахской войны

23 октября
Линии фронта Второй Карабахской войны

26 октября
Линии фронта Второй Карабахской войны

27 октября
Линии фронта Второй Карабахской войны

31 октября
Линии фронта Второй Карабахской войны

П.С. Участие сирийских боевиков во Второй Карабахской войне

281 Syrian militants killed in Azerbaijan
Sunday, 1 November 2020 - 19:29
ISWNews Analysis Group: According to sources close to the Syrian militants, 281 Syrian mercenaries have been killed in the fighting in Karabakh since the beginning of the conflict from September 27.
In recent weeks, the bodies of 20 Syrian militants killed in fighting in Karabakh have been returned to Syria. According to available information, about 2300 Syrian mercenaries have been transferred from Syria to Azerbaijan so far.
Turkey is actively involved in organizing and sending Syrian mercenaries to countries in the region, as we have seen in the Libyan war, to achieve its goals.

Video: Syrian militia vehicles riding up and down towns of Azerbaijan!
Friday, 2 October 2020 - 22:29
The footage shows vehicles of Syrian militia in Barada town, center of Barada district, Azerbaijan, which locates near the front line.
Barada town is on the east of Terter town, center of Barada, which has 26 points in this area where there is a conflict between the two sides.
These areas are in the northeast of Nagorno-Karabakh which is under Armenia’s fire since the conflict started and some of the inhabitants killed and injured. The rest of the people went to shelters.
Martuni(Khujavand) town, on the west of the front which is under Azerbaijan fire and Armenians went to shelters. Many of the inhabitants killed and injured due to Azerbaijan attacks.

New evidence on the presence of Syrian terrorists in the battlefields of Nagorno-Karabakh + Videos
Saturday, 10 October 2020 - 21:50
New footage from the Karabakh region have been released, which clearly show the presence of Syrian mercenaries in Azerbaijan and help the country’s army to fight Armenian forces.
In one of these clips, the cameraman mentions that he is from the Hamza Division, Farooq Brigade and Abu Zaid group. Although there is a lot of evidence of the presence of Syrian terrorists in Azerbaijan and its documents have been published by various media, so far the Azerbaijani authorities have avoided addressing this issue.
In recent months, Syrian terrorists, including Arabs, Turkmen, and Asian Turks, have been transferred to Azerbaijan by Turkey, and it has been clear since the transfer of terrorists to Azerbaijan that Azerbaijan and Turkey intend to launch a large-scale military operation in the Nagorno-Karabakh region.
Now we must ask the fanatical supporters of the Republic of Azerbaijan how the right can be obtained with unjust means and with the help of some terrorists!? According to international law and existing documents, Armenian forces have occupied parts of Azerbaijani territory and are clearly considered occupiers, and these lands must be returned to Azerbaijan, but when a corrupt and secular state like Aliyev’s government, which has an anti-religious background, suddenly changes color and uses the tools of terrorism to achieve its goals, every wise person should doubt the nature of this war, and at least separate the issue of religion from the current battle of Nagorno-Karabakh.
“The current battle of Nagorno-Karabakh is more like a sedition than a holy battle!”

Prominent Syrian militant commander killed in Karabakh
Tuesday, 27 October 2020 - 11:01
Линии фронта Второй Карабахской войны
ISWNews Analysis Group: Hamza Division, a Turkish-backed militant group in Syria, announced the death of Adel al-Shaher, the group’s prominent commander in the Karabakh battles in Azerbaijan.
Adel al-Shaher, known as Abu Shaher, was one of the most important commanders of the Hamzah Division, which had a long history of fighting in various parts of Syria against the Syrian government and other groups, including ISIS and the Kurds in northern Syria.
The death of this senior armed commander in the Karabakh war shows the active and organized presence of Syrian terrorist groups in Azerbaijan, which were sent to Karabakh under the auspices of Turkey.
His death also shows the severity of the battles in Nagorno-Karabakh and the high casualties in this war.

Video: Capture of a Syrian militant in Karabakh by Armenian forces
Friday, 30 October 2020 - 17:22
ISWNews Analysis Group: Armenian media published a video of a Syrian militant captured by Armenian forces during the Nagorno-Karabakh war.
Although, according to the available evidence and videos from the Karabakh region, there is no need for further documents to prove the presence of foreign terrorists in Karabakh to help the Azerbaijani government, but watching this video is not without merit.
The Syrian militant confirms that he was trained by the Turkish military and sent to Karabakh with a promise of $ 2,000, and he also confessed that about 200 other terrorists had been with him on a battlefield against Armenian forces.
According to sources close to the militants, at least 2,000 armed mercenaries have been transferred from Syria to Azerbaijan so far.

Video: Another evidence of the presence of Syrian militants in Nagorno-Karabakh
Sunday, 1 November 2020 - 12:41
ISWNews Analysis Group: The official Armenian media published a video of another Syrian mercenary sent to Azerbaijan by Turkey.
This captured Syrian mercenary named Yusuf Al-Abed Al-Haji is from the village of Al-Ziyadiyah on the outskirts of Jisr al-Shughur in Syria’s Idlib; In the video, he admits that they were promised $2000 monthly salary.
He also admits in the video that he came to Karabakh to kill infidels and was promised an extra $100 per head for every Armenian. Of course, this part of the confession of this Syrian mercenary has no special value, and he may have been forced to say this. But the video proves once again that a significant number of Syrian mercenaries are fighting Armenian forces on the front lines.

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